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Postal & Print Services

Additional Logistical Resources for Staff

Helpful resources to foster smooth operations

The Unofficial MICA Office Supply Swap Shop

Are you looking for a specific office supply for a specific event? Do you just need to borrow one folder or some paper clips? You can reach out to the Unofficial Office Supply Swap Shop Google Chat before you order from Amazon or Rudolph's to see if someone else has what you need. The goal is to save your departmental budget by crowd sourcing from other MICA departments' past fiscal years' purchases.

Do you have excess office supplies that you'd like to clear out of your office, but that someone could still use? Email Postal & Print ( and we will pick up your gently used supplies to share with the group.

You can also peruse what's in the Swap Shop. Your staff ID will get you into the 81 Mosher, 2nd Floor conference room, by the elevators and you can see if there's anything you can use.

Please email to be added to the Google Chat. 

What is an ISD?

An ISD, or Internal Service Delivery, is a Workday process by which a MICA department can send an internal invoice to another department. In this way we can share the actual cost of printing, shipping and materials used in those processes with the departments that use those services.

Every month, Postal & Print processes three ISDs, for USPS and UPS shipping and for "Department Chargebacks", for printing, stamps, envelopes and other shipping materials used by various departments over the previous month. If you don't ship or buy anything, you won't see a charge.

Each ISD is for one category and usually for multiple departments. The total of the ISD reflects the total amount charged to all departments, ($1,275.20). However, your approval is only for your department's spend code(s) ($2.00). If your department used multiple services, then there will be multiple lines to review (eg: SC721 for printing, SC762 for envelopes, SC725 for paper, SC 743 for stamps, etc). 

Please review the ISD and find the line or lines that correspond to your department's Cost Center. Verify that the codes are correct, then approve your department's line. When you submit once for your approval, it will approve for all your department's lines.

To confirm that you haven't just approved for the higher amount, please check your operational budget report to verify that you have only approved for your department's line.

Each ISD requires an attached description of the charges. You can see the attached spreadsheet to verify the number of times your department got copies, how many letters were sent or to verify the recipients of the packages you sent.

If you do find an error, would like to correct a fund code or add a program, grant or project worktag, or have any questions, please email to make a correction.

If you send back the ISD as a part of the Workday process, it may reset the approval requests of all of the approvers on the ISD, who can all see who sent it back. Postal & Print can make any correction to the department coding that you require and resubmit the ISD without resetting unaffected department codes.