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Below are a few highlights of Architectural Design Thesis projects. Thesis is an intense experience whose goal is for each student to find their personal voice as an Architect. All doors are open to the students. AD does not even require building designs or architectural drawings - it is conceptually and creatively the most open Thesis studio of any program of Architecture. These projects demonstrate the enormous range of thinking out-of-the-box that AD students are capable of.

For examples of student work from other AD courses, please refer to the Program guide (a link is provided on the left)

Sabrina Amoroso & Musicians, Eight Songs for a Mad King, 2016 + Enlarge
Sabrina Amoroso & Musicians, 2016 + Enlarge
Sabrina Amoroso, Cage Project 2016 + Enlarge
Sabrina Amoroso, Cage Project, 2016 + Enlarge
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Elizabeth Ewing, Senior Thesis Project 2017 + Enlarge
Akane Bessho, Senior Thesis Project 2016 + Enlarge
2016 Senior Show at 1515 West Mount Royal Ave + Enlarge
Cheng Qin, Senior Thesis Project 2019 + Enlarge

Pilgrimage to the West

Cheng Qin

Timmy Aziz, photography

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