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MICA / App Wall & Event Posting Policy

We welcome your participation and comments on the wall and invite you to submit events to the MICApp through the site. Our online sites are governed by the general rules of respectful civil discourse. You are fully responsible for everything that you post.  By using the App or posting content, you agree to this policy.

The Maryland Institute College of Art does not routinely monitor online postings and does not engage in viewpoint discrimination. Nevertheless, the College reserves the right to review and remove any user-generated content at its discretion, including the right to take any of the following actions:

  • Remove content that contains abusive, vulgar, offensive, discriminatory, threatening or harassing content, offensive terms that target specific individuals or groups, or constitutes a violation of MICA policy. At the request of any member of the MICA community, a post considered a personal attack will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and may be removed. This includes content that may violate federal or state law, including Title IX or other non-discrimination laws, or content that potentially defames another community member.
  • Remove content that is not specifically related to the channel’s defined topic or intended purpose
  • Remove spam and content that involves political campaigning or lobbying.
  • Review content we determined in our sole discretion is spam, such as gratuitous links to sites and repeat submissions of the same (or very similar) contributions.
  • Remove content that contains personal information of another person, including home address, home or cell phone number, or personal email address, in order to protect privacy.
  • Remove content that appears to be posted without permission of the author or owner of the content.


We also have the following rules for the App:

  • Do not post anything that you do not have the right to post or include links to copyright-infringing material. We expect all users to review our Copyright Policy, including our procedure for reporting claims of copyright infringement under the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. 
  • All user-generated content is viewable by the public, so do not submit anything you do not wish to broadcast to the general public. We are not responsible for what any person may do with content once posted to the site.  We encourage users to state what other users may or may not do with their content if they wish to retain rights to it, and to comply with the limitations stated by other users.  However, we do not control or mediate disputes over this, except to the extent they involve violations of existing MICA policies.
  • Any post that is reported as inappropriate three times by the community will automatically be removed.
  • Any post that is deleted by its originator or removed will still be available to administrators of the app.
  • Events submitted through the official MICA events form or otherwise posted will be reviewed for approval and may not be posted or may be removed if the College, in its sole discretion, determines that it is inappropriate for the platform.
  • Users are responsible for adhering to all MICA rules and regulations while using MICA / App, inclusive of the usage policy for MICA technology and the social media policy for MICA employees.
  • Users who do not comply with these standards of conduct may be muted from posting, banned, and/or subjected to disciplinary action.


To report a violation of this policy, please contact The Report a User tool in a student’s profile is a feature of the MICA/App that is not regularly monitored, therefore all violations should be reported via email to app@mica.eduTo report a claim of Copyright Infringement, see our Copyright Policy.