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Well-being Tools and Resources Page

SCC Quick Reference Wellness Guides

Use this page as a reference with some helpful hints you can take with you wherever you go throughout your day!

Scroll down to see each of the seven call outs on the page.



• Take a deep breath in for a count of 5.
• Hold it for a count of 4.
• Exhale for a count of 6.
• Repeat the above, three or four times, increasing the counts by 1 each time.
• Pause to check-in with yourself.
• Begin again and repeat the whole cycle as needed.

Can't Sleep? Try These Helpful Hints!

Can't Sleep? Try These Helpful Hints!

• Get to sleep and wake up at about the same time every day to help your body to GET INTO A ROUTINE.
• AVOID LONG NAPS during the daytime.
• EXERCISE and soak in some sunshine during the day.
• Make sure you are COMFORTABLE and your room is relatively quiet, dark, and cool.
• BREATHE in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, release to a count of 8.
• WRITE DOWN YOUR THOUGHTS if your mind is racing and be sure to include anything that went well during your day.
• Visualize things that make you HAPPY.
• AVOID CHECKING the time.
• Offer yourself some comfort if feeling stressed "I WILL BE OK TOMORROW!"

How to Stay Organized

How to Stay Organized

• Keep one notebook for everything.
• Set goals for every day.
• Break big projects into little tasks.
• Be alone when you need to focus.
• Always have your planner with you.
• Hide your phone when you are busy.
• Avoid multi-tasking.



Name 5 things I see
Name 5 things I hear
Name 5 things I feel

Name 4 things I see
Name 4 things I hear
Name 4 things I feel

Name 3 things I see
Name 3 things I hear
Name 3 things I feel

Name 2 things I see
Name 2 things I hear
Name 2 things I feel

Name 1 thing I see
Name 1 thing I hear
Name 1 thing I feel

How to Talk Yourself Through a Panic Attack

How to Talk Yourself Through a Panic Attack

• I KNOW....
...that I am safe right now.
...that this will fade away.
...this is a natural response.
...I am not in danger.
...a panic attack can't hurt me.
...that I am getting enough air.
...that I am starting to relax.
...I feel calmer.


Warning Signs of Depression

Warning Signs of Depression

• Persistently low mood.
• Feeling pessimistic.
• Feeling Hopeless.
• Feeling anxious or tense.
• Withdrawing from social engagements, family, school or work.
• Sleep problems.
• Losing interest in doing things one used to enjoy.

Coping with Grief & Loss

Coping with Grief & Loss

• No right/wrong way to do it.
• Acknowledge the pain.
• Create a simple, daily routine.
• Connect with others.
• Write down your feelings.
• Move, eat, sleep.
• Collect memories.
• Be patient with yourself.