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Student Counseling Services

SCC Frequently Asked Questions

We understand that reaching out for mental health support can be intimidating.  The SCC is here to make it as comfortable and accessible as possible!  Below are some questions that people often have about our services.  Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other questions.  We can’t wait to see you!

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General Questions


  • Dial 911 and request immediate assistance.
  • If you have an urgent need and are safe to do so, you can come to the SCC’s drop-in hours to be seen the same day. You can also call the MyCareWell@MICA 24/7 help line number at 1-866-443-0538 to speak with a trained mental health professional.
  • If you or someone you know lives on campus, you may call Campus Safety on its 24 hour emergency line at 443-423-3333 for further assistance.


The following are examples of mental health emergencies.  The list is not exhaustive; If you aren’t sure, make the call!

  • Imminent thoughts of suicide or having a suicide plan,
  • Imminent thoughts of hurting someone else or having a plan to hurt someone else
  • Severe loss of emotional control
  • Severe impairment or changes in thinking
  • Bizarre or concerning behavior that is very different from the person’s usual behavior
  • Trauma that just occurred.
  • Clinicians at the SCC are licensed or pre-licensed therapists with advanced training in a number of mental health concerns.  Students often come to see us for help with issues related to depression, anxiety, focus problems or ADHD, body and eating concerns, trauma, substance abuse, grief, mood problems, excessive anger, relationship troubles, identity development support, and suicidal thoughts.  We also support students with concerns more specific to the college experience, for example academic stress, developmental challenges, or difficulty adjusting.
  • If what you are looking for isn’t on this list, don’t worry!  We may still be able to help, or can connect you with the right resources.
  • There is no cost for services for any student enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate degree program.
  • To be treated with respect, dignity, and compassion.
  • All students who come to us for care have an initial 20 minute PATHS session to assess needs and identify the broad goal of treatment. You will work with the PATHS therapist to develop a plan together, which could include Guided Care, Support Groups, Clinical Treatment Groups, Individual Therapy, or connections with outside Community Care providers.  Our team will then help you schedule follow up appointments.
  • Students who come to drop-in hours will have a brief session to problem-solve the reason for coming and identify next steps.
  • The Student Counseling Center is staffed by trained mental health therapists, including social workers, counselors, psychologists, and graduate level counseling interns.
  • We are proud to offer a variety of groups to meet different needs.
  • Support groups are offered on a rotating schedule and welcome to anyone who wishes to attend on a drop-in basis.  They will provide information, strategies, and social support.
  • Clinical groups meet weekly for 5 weeks.  They are smaller, with usually only 6-8 people, and the same group members are there each week.  They typically focus on a specific mental health concern, and offer the opportunity to learn skills and work on personal goals with the support of group leaders and members.
  • During your PATHs assessment we will review your goals and work together to identify which path of services is the best fit.  The number of sessions is tailored to each person’s goals, however we are only able to offer up to 8 sessions per academic year.  Don’t worry if you feel like you need more sessions.  We can help connect you with therapists in the community who offer longer-term care.
  • Absolutely not!  Your parents will not have access to any information that indicates that you have seen us.
  • We are required by law to keep any information that could identify you private.  (There is an exception if we are concerned that you might hurt yourself or someone else, or if you report child abuse or neglect).  
  • Coordinating with other departments that you see can be very helpful.  We will always get your written permission first.
  • If your classmates meet with us too, we won’t talk about you.  If we see you on campus, we will treat you like any other student, and won’t mention that you have been to see us.
  • SCC encourages new students and their families to carefully consider the support the student will need as they transition to meeting the demands of a rigorous art school environment. While often exciting, this transition may also be stressful.
  • Students who have had the ongoing support of a therapist or psychiatrist in the past are likely to benefit from a similar level of support--especially students during their first semester.
  • In these instances, SCC strongly recommends that parents and students establish a relationship with a provider in the Baltimore community before coming to campus to ensure students have access to ample support during their first semester.
  • The SCC staff are available to meet/speak with students to help facilitate finding a provider in the community.
  • Here’s an online resource that may be useful!
  • No problem!  During your PATHS assessment we can determine together if additional support in some of the other formats that we offer would be helpful.
  • The SCC offers a number of different types of therapeutic support.  You might find that on-campus programming, a support group, or a clinical group is a better fit for you. When you start with us we will do a PATHS assessment and work together to plan your care.
  • Some challenges are not amenable to short-term treatment, such as long-standing emotional or behavioral difficulties. The necessary treatment is typically beyond the scope of the services we can provide.
  • SCC can assist students in connecting with therapists and psychiatric providers in the community to receive the appropriate level of treatment.
  • Absolutely!  We welcome and value individuals of all identities at the SCC.  Our staff are trained in providing culturally humble care.

Appointments FAQ

  • You can schedule an appointment by emailing - a Calendly link will be provided for you to select the day and time of your initial appointment (as new student or returning student’s first appointment of semester).
  • We will make every effort to schedule you as soon as possible.  If you feel you cannot wait for an appointment, we welcome you to come to our drop-in hours.
  • Yes!  Please come to our drop-in hours Monday–Friday between 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
  • Yes! Please come to our drop-in hours Monday–Friday between 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
  • All students participate in an initial PATHS assessment to determine recommendations for care.  We welcome your collaboration and input, and will work together to honor your request when possible.
  • The SCC is open for in-person support Monday–Friday from 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m, and Tuesday until 7:00 p.m..  We are closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m..  We offer 24/7 support through MyCareWell, which can be accessed here: 1-833-434-1217
  • Take a deep breath!  The hard part is done.  You have reached out for help and deserve a big round of applause!  Way to go!
  • Complete any forms you are given ahead of time.  This helps your therapist get to know you and prepare for your appointment.
  • Arrive a little early to settle in.  Bring any comfort items you might prefer (e.g., water bottle, snack, fidget, or clothing for layering if you are chilly).
  • Think about your “why.”  Be prepared to briefly explain your reasons for coming to the SCC.
  • Think about your goals.  Reflect on what changes you would like to make in your life, or what you would like to have improve.
  • Prepare to have self-compassion.  It’s okay to feel a little nervous, have trouble finding the right words, or cry.  This is all normal, and we are here to help guide you.  

Contact Information


1501 W. Mount Royal Lower Level Baltimore, MD 21217