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Student Involvement and Leadership

Student Program of the Year Award

One of the hallmarks of each academic year is the diversity of programs organized by the MICA's graduate and undergraduate student population.

Each year we recognize standout student programs in the following areas: Community Service, Diversity & Inclusion, Baltimore Exploration, Community Building, Health & Wellness, Professional Development, and Art Appreciation. Winning programs should have contributed to the betterment of the MICA community. The program also must have taken place from March 30, 2016 through April 17, 2017.

When nominating a program for Student Program of the Year please consider the following questions:

  • What was the purpose of the program?
  • How do you know the program was successful?
  • How did the program contribute to the betterment of MICA's community?
  • What was unique about the planning, publicizing, or implementation of this program?
  • How did the organizers utilize their resources?

To nominate a program for the Student Program of the Year Award please click here.