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Residence Halls

Meyerhoff House

Residential Amenities

Residential Advisors serve as a student resource within the residence hall. Programming and community events in the residential community have an academic focus and center around the needs of MICA students, while the Student Activities Office on the first floor of Meyerhoff House provides involvement opportunities for the whole campus. Through programming, R.A.s provide opportunities for personal growth and development that promote student responsibility, civility and accountability.

Because of the unique architecture of Meyerhoff House, no two rooms are alike, and some rooms are slightly larger than others. Students can choose to live in apartments with two, three or four single bedrooms which have been custom designed for working artists.

Did You Know...

Meyerhoff House, one of MICA's historic renovations in Bolton Hill, offers a cutting-edge residential life experience designed for mature and independent student artists. Not only a residence hall, Meyerhoff House is a lively student center with dining, student life programming and recreational facilities, the Student Activities office and an additional Residence Life office.