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Quiet Hours for Everyone

Because residents are living in a community, respect and courtesy for others is essential in creating a comfortable environment for everyone. The College expects that at all times residents will respect each other's needs for calm and quiet living space and will not make unreasonably loud noise. This means that courtesy hours are in effect at all times. The College also expects that, if asked, students will turn down the volume of whatever noise is concerning others. Quiet hours will be in effect in every building from 11 p.m. to 8 a.m., Sunday through Thursday. Quiet hours on Friday night (actually Saturday morning) and Saturday night and Sunday morning are 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. Twenty-four-hour quiet hours begin the day before crit week and continue through final exam week each semester.

"Quiet hours" means that stereos must be turned down to a level that confines the sound to a student's room. Informal conversations should be confined to individual apartments. Noise in public areas should be kept to a minimum. No basketball may be played in the Founders Green during quiet hours. The pianos within Leake Hall and Meyerhoff House should not be played during quiet hours. Repeated instances of unreasonable noise during either regular or quiet hours will be reason for disciplinary action.

Termination or Cancellation (Refund Schedule)

The following shall constitute grounds for cancellation of the Agreement by the College. No refund in housing charges shall be made for cancellation resulting from any of these reasons:

  • Default on the terms of the Agreement or payments;
  • Dismissal from the College for academic or disciplinary reasons;
  • Expulsion from housing for disciplinary/behavioral reasons; and
  • Changing status from full-time to part-time student

The following shall constitute grounds for cancellation of the Agreement by the student:

  1. In case of injury or illness, which necessitates withdrawal from the College, the student will be released from the contractual obligation when substantive proof of the matter asserted is presented in writing to the Office of Residence Life and Off-Campus Housing. Students will receive a refund of their housing costs according to the refund schedule below;
  2. A student who elects to participate in a College sponsored mobility or exchange or study abroad program that necessitates residency away from campus must comply with this agreement during the times the student is attending classes at the College. The student will be released from the contractual obligation for the time the student is participating in the College sponsored program;
  3. Students who withdraw from on-campus housing voluntarily during the semester or at the end of the fall semester and continue as students at the College will be responsible for the entire academic year’s housing charges;
  4. Students who withdraw from the College voluntarily during the semester will receive a refund of their housing costs based on MICA's refund schedule.

The refund schedule applies only to students withdrawing from the College or those with illnesses that require withdrawal from the College.

  • Prior to assigned move-in date: 100 percent, less $300 housing reservation deposit;
  • Within first week of classes: 80 percent;
  • Within second to fourth week of classes: 40 percent;
  • After fourth week of classes: No refund.

Students enrolled at the College for their first semester and who are receiving financial aid will be subject to the refund policy dictated by the Federal Financial Aid guidelines unless they leave campus housing for disciplinary reasons. All students who withdraw, take a leave of absence, or are separated voluntarily from the College during the academic year must notify the Office of Residence Life and Off-Campus Housing and vacate their housing space within 48 hours of the effective date of such action. Students who must leave as a result of College disciplinary action, who create or present a danger to self or others, or involved in any involuntary withdrawal procedure may be required, at the discretion of the College, to leave immediately.

Exiting Housing

Upon exiting housing it is the student's responsibility to contact their R.A. in order to schedule a check-out time. The following procedures are completed upon check out:

  • Room is accessed by R.A. to determine arrival/departure condition. Any noticeable damage sighted is reported on the Room Condition Form and signed by the student departing, thus acknowledging any and all damages. Note: Each apartment will also be accessed by Residence Life. Additional damages can be documented and charged to all or individual students within the apartment.
  • Both apartment keys and mailbox keys must be returned. If keys are not returned, the student who fails to comply will be charged for the cost of replacing the keys and possibly the lock to the apartment for safety reasons.
  • An R.A. will remind the exiting student to remove all valuables and property. Failure to complete proper check out will result in a $100 improper check-out fee with the option for additional charges. (Example: cost of key replacement, damages, cleaning, etc.) Additional explanation of proper Check-Out Procedures can be obtained from the mandatory Residence Life floor meetings at the end of every semester or by contacting your Residential Coordinator.
  • Any student not responsible for specific damages or cleaning costs, should make sure to have the student who is responsible sign the Damage and Cleaning Declaration Form to keep from being charged before the end of the semester. Be specific on the form as to who is responsible for any and all damages or cleaning charges that may be assessed to the apartment.

Residents may stay in college housing over Thanksgiving, fall break, and spring break. Students will not be allowed to occupy or access their apartments over winter break.

Students must leave housing 24 hours after the last day of their fall or spring semester exams. Residents who have completed their critiques and exams may be required to leave immediately if their behavior is disruptive to the College or residential community. A $100 late checkout fee will be assessed to individuals who move out during the first hour after the designated checkout time each semester. Each additional hour over and above the first hour will result in an additional $50 late fee. Prior permission to stay may be granted to residents with extenuating circumstances. If a student's circumstances require the student to stay in the facility after the checkout day, an overnight fee comparable to local hotel rates may be charged at the discretion of Residence Life.

You may leave belongings in your apartment over break periods during the academic year; however, we encourage you to remove valuable items because the College is not responsible for any loss or damage. Additionally, we recommend that students carry renter's insurance to cover valuable items in their apartments (see "Personal and Student Property" section). MICA does not offer or provide storage.  

Disability Accommodations in Housing

Students living in on-campus housing who wish to request special accommodations for disabilities must contact the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS) and provide appropriate documentation to support their request. ADS can be reached at 410.225.2416 or by emailing ADS will notify Residence Life of the request and any necessary accommodations. Students new to the College must contact ADS and provide all appropriate documentation by June 1, prior to the fall semester (December 15 for spring admission). Students currently enrolled at MICA must contact ADS and provide all documentation by the first Friday in March to apply for housing the following academic year. Any student requesting accommodations must reapply for services each year they wish to live in college housing. Any requests made after the above-mentioned dates will be reviewed and accommodated if and when possible. 

Personal and Student Property

The college is not responsible for the loss of or damage to students' personal property. Students are urged to:

  • Purchase surge protectors to guard against occasional electrical surges;
  • Record the serial numbers of valuable personal items; and
  • Secure appropriate insurance
  • Once you are sure something has been stolen please report the theft to campus safety immediately at (443) 423-3333

As a precaution, students are also encouraged to take valuable belongings home during break periods. Residents are urged to confirm existing coverage under the homeowner's policy of their parents or guardians and, if not covered, to secure individual property or renter's insurance.

Off-Campus Housing

The Residence Life and Off-Campus Housing Office provides assistance to students interested in living beyond the MICA campus. The Off-Campus Housing Guide-along with rental listings, tenant resources, contact information and search tips-is available on the Off-Campus Housing page.