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We hope everyone has had a fun and productive semester. It's hard to believe summer is right around the corner, we’re almost there! To help our communities prepare for upcoming finals, 24-hour quiet hours will begin. Please note dates and information regarding this policy below.

Spring 2024 Closing Memo

Dear Residents, 

We hope that you've had a fun and productive semester! It’s been a pleasure spending this time with you and we hope that you’ve enjoyed your stay. As we wind down the semester, we want to share the following information with you:

This memo outlines pertinent information and tips for all current residents to ensure a smooth move out!  

To help our communities prepare for upcoming finals, 24-hour quiet hours will begin as outlined below. Please note dates and information regarding this policy so you don’t forget!

24 Hour Quiet Hours Policy Information

Date Range: Sunday, April 28th at 12:01 AM and will continue until commencement ceremonies on May 13th

Purpose: This policy will help us to be respectful of your fellow students that live on campus as they are wrapping up their  exams and projects. Please keep noise levels to a minimum and be courteous during finals.  

Thank You!

Spring Closing Information

Please read the information below as it will help you to have a smooth move-out process.

Housing officially closes for all non graduating students at 12:00pm (noon) on Monday, May 6, 2024.

Housing officially closes for seniors and those participating in commencement at 12:00 pm (noon) on Tuesday, May 14, 2024.

Please note: this means that you are out of your room, it is cleaned and locked behind you, and your keys have been turned in by noon on these dates. Any keys turned in after are considered late check-outs.  

Preparing for Move Out

Your RC will be arranging a closing meeting to take place in your community. We urge you to attend your floor’s closing meeting, so your RC and RAs can provide you with important information and guide you into a smooth, easy move-out! 

Make sure to complete the change of address form, available online at and make sure all of your packages go to your permanent address! If you do not change your address, all of your mail and packages will go back to its sender via Postal and Print. 

 Clean your apartment completely (a checklist will be provided during the closing meeting and in the Move Out Guide). Do not leave any items in the hallway, lobby or in your apartment. Dumpsters will be available outside your residence hall to assist with trash disposal.

 Carts are available at each front desk for you to utilize when moving out. Please be mindful of your fellow community members who are also utilizing this resource - extended use of the cart will limit how many of your peers can use this resource.

 Students are permitted to have guests assist them with their move out beginning Monday, April 29, 2024. Feel free to bring as much help as you think you will need! Just make sure your guest to check in with Campus Safety and plan in advance. All guests must have a valid government issued identification card. As a reminder, students are responsible for their guests while signed into the residence hall. For the safety of our residential communities, guests, including families, are not to be left in your apartment when you are not present.

Final Steps for Housing Check Out

The Closing Checklist will be reviewed in your upcoming mandatory floor meeting.  After all of your things have been removed from your entire apartment and you have completed the closing checklist, you are ready for the next steps below: 

Step 1: Key Return - Each student must return their apartment key and mail key. 

Beginning April 29th, there will be a key drop box in the lobbies of The Gateway, Meyerhoff House and Leake Hall. There will also be a drop box in the Office of Residence Life on the 2nd floor of Latrobe. With each drop box will be a stack of yellow envelopes for residents to place their keys in. On the envelope, you will fill out the information below and place your room and mail keys inside, and sign and seal the envelope. 

Details to Fill out on the Packet!

  • First Name, Last Name
  • Building Name
  • Room Number (ex: LH-101A)
  • Date of Check Out
  • Time of Check Out

Potential Costs Associated with Keys:

If your apartment key is not returned you will be charged a replacement fee up to $250.00.

If your mail key is not returned you will be charged a replacement fee up to $25.00.

Step 2: Complete the Closing Room Condition Form 

After you have dropped your keys in the box, locate the “Complete Your Check Out Here” sign which will also be located in the lobby. Scan the QR code on the sign and complete the Spring 2024 Closing Room Condition Form for your assigned space. The Room Condition Form must be completed in order to confirm that you have checked out of your room.

MICA ID Reminder

Make sure to hold on to your MICA ID so you are able to exchange it when you return for the fall semester and get an updated version!

The Office of Residence Life Staff will enter all units to complete a final inspection once all students have departed on May 6th. Please do double checks and make sure everything is clean! If you are found responsible for damages, you will be notified via email by May 31st and your student account will be updated. 

All check-outs at the end of the year will utilize the Express Check-out Method; there will not be a process for appeals of any room damages found in the units. We suggest that you make notes of any damages, place any work orders, and plan with your apartment-mates regarding the cleaning process. We wouldn’t want students to be responsible for something you did not do!

If you have not been approved for summer housing or a late departure, you will be asked to vacate and will be charged the associated late fees as outlined below:

  •  $100 for the first hour, $50 for each additional hour up until 3:00 PM
    • Charges automatically assessed for students who are still in their apartment at 12:01 pm of their check out date
  • Any persons who stay later than 3:00pm on Monday, May 6th will be charged for the first week of Summer Housing ($250) and be given a new timeline for move out.

This fine overview does not apply to students approved to stay for the summer. More information will be available for students who are approved to stay beyond the move out deadlines. 

There will be a limited number of hours in which a student is able to remain on MICA property. 

Campus Partners will send information regarding shuttle services, dining services, and more via email communication throughout the coming days and weeks.  

If you have any questions regarding checkout/move, you will get more details at your closing floor meeting. Feel free to send us an email at  

 We hope you enjoyed living in our residential communities this year as much as we enjoyed having you here. We are excited to bring you some new changes for the 2024-2025 Academic Year. Have ideas on events and programs for next year? Let us know via email. Our office will be open during the summer break should you have any questions.

We wish you the best of luck as you wrap up this semester. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

The Housing Operations Team

Postal and Print Information

End of Semester Mail and Package Procedures - MICA Postal & Print Services

Package Rooms Closing
Residence Hall package rooms will close at 5PM on 5/3/24 for the summer. All remaining packages will be routed to Postal & Print in Bunting. You can pick them up there. We will also be reaching out to people to pay to ship packages to your home address. We will not be able to store them over the summer. Please be sure to clear out your mailbox before you turn in your keys. All letter mail left in the mailboxes will be returned to sender.

Summer Packages
Students staying around for the summer can continue to receive packages over the summer. Please address your packages to:
Your Name
1401 W Mount Royal Ave
Baltimore, MD 21217-4245

Change of Address
When leaving your on- or off-campus address, please fill out a change of address card from Gateway, Meyerhoff or Founders' or your local address to your new street address or home address. Forms are available online at ($1.10 fee) or paper forms are at MICA Postal & Print in Bunting, or at any US Post Office.
NEW THIS YEAR: when you forward mail from your current residence, you will also need to present ID at any US Post Office, in person, for the mail forwarding request to go through.
PLEASE DO NOT FORWARD MAIL TO OR FROM MICA'S MAIN ADDRESS (1300 OR 1401 W MOUNT ROYAL AVE). It will not work or potentially create problems.

Voter Registration and Other Default Addresses
If you registered to vote in Baltimore City or requested an absentee ballot to your campus address, please update your voter registration to reflect your current or home street address. Please delete your residence hall address from your Amazon profile, or wherever you regularly order from. Please update your bank, too.

Graduating Seniors
Congrats! You're entering the real world! You're on your way! As such, you can only continue to use MICA's address for packages (1401 W Mount Royal) through July 25th, 2024. After that, please change your shipping addresses on all your platforms (Amazon) to reflect your new street address or home address.

Summer Housing Information

Housing for the 2023-2024 Academic Year ends on Monday, May 6, 2024 at noon for juniors, sophomores, and first year students and May 14, 2024 for graduating seniors, graduating graduate students, as well as those who are approved to remain on campus.

We understand that there may be a need for bridge or extension housing. The Office of Residence Life may be able to accommodate such requests.

Summer Housing 2024

Thank you for your interest in residing in Summer Housing at MICA!

The MICA Residential Community will be made available with limited spaces for students (both undergraduate and graduate level) at MICA who are taking summer courses, are employed at MICA, or are a part of a MICA-related program or internship. 

  • The Summer Housing period will be between May 6, 2024 until July 28, 2024.
  • Summer Housing will be for students who are enrolled in Summer Courses.
  • Summer Housing will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Summer Housing application has a $75 non-refundable application fee.
  • Summer Housing will cost $250 per week for the length of stay.

At the moment, the Office of Residence Life is considering the end of Summer Housing to coincide with the last day Summer Courses are offered.

If you are interested and understand these criteria, please complete the following Summer Housing Application.

Summer Housing Application 2024

Note: clicking the link above will re-direct you to a MICA Google Form. You must be signed in with your MICA Credentials to complete.