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Being a Residential Advisor (RA) at MICA is more than just having another student job.

As an RA you are also a...

Community Developer

Assist and encourage floor members to develop a livable, inclusive, and responsible community through discussions of floor living guidelines, integration of new students, study breaks, quiet hours, floor activities, etc.


As part of an administrative staff, an RA is responsible for duty night rotations according to the staff size and the needs of the community. Working with and filing various paperwork is also a part of the RA job. Another important part of the RA’s administrative role is communicating with the assistant residential coordinator and residential coordinator through the use of various forms and communication channels.


Offering educational and social opportunities for residents is an important piece of the RA’s job. Programming requirements may vary from community to community, however, the departmental expectation is for each RA to offer two community-building programs for his or her residents each month. RA’s will also work with their entire staff to create two large-scale residence hall events each month. By using campus resources and with the help of the Senior Staff members and the Residence Life and Off-Campus Housing Office, RAs offer exceptional programs that enlighten and entertain hundreds of residents each year.

Peer Counselor

As a leader in the residence hall community, many residents will come to you for advice and assistance for their simple and complex problems. As an RA, it is likely that you may experience issues such as roommate conflicts or communication concerns. It is important for all RAs to understand how to handle every situation. During RA training, you will be given the tools you will need to provide students with the best possible answers to their questions. You will also be made aware of the proper protocol for serious and emergency situations.

Resource Person

Otherwise known as a walking information desk, an RA will be sought out by residents to answer questions, from the basic, "where's the library?" to the more complicated, "how do I set up my Internet account and can you help me?" You will be made aware of all the resources we have here on campus through training. You will also be encouraged to say "I don't know the answer to that!" and to refer the resident to someone who may.

Policy Enforcer

As a university official, RAs are responsible for abiding by and enforcing housing policies. Each policy was created with the purpose of creating a safe and non-threatening place for all members of the residence hall community.

Staff Team Member

RA staffs vary in size depending on the size of the community. The whole staff is supervised by residential coordinator. The staffs meet once a week to discuss the issues of the community and to plan events. Meeting times are also used as a time to socialize with your team, but once a week a staff activity is set up to build unit and comfort among the team. RAs are also required to meet biweekly with the residential coordinator, one-on-one, to discuss a variety of different topics. As part of a team, each RA is expected to support and assist their fellow staff members.

Academic Requirements

  • RA maintains good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 3.0
  • RA must limit their academic load in the range of 18 hours each semester unless approved by the residential coordinator
  • RA must maintain good judicial standing

Terms of Employment

The position is a full academic year contract including training and hall opening and closing. Compensation is in the form of a single room and stipend. RA must not be involved in more than 20 hours per week of outside activities, including athletics, clubs, organizations, or employment, on or off campus, while classes are in session unless approved by the residential coordinator.

RA Application Process

In order to obtain an RA application packet, each candidate must attend a mandatory information session through iLead. The residential coordinator and current staff discuss the position and go in-depth about the realistic expectations of this student leadership opportunity. Once an application is submitted, Residence Life staff will review it. After review, letters are then written to each applicant informing them of whether or not they have been granted an interview. More information about the application process can be found here.

Individual Interview

The individual interview consists of the applicant being interviewed by a panel of Residence Life staff. Residence Life staff will ask a variety of questions about the position, and the applicant will have time to answer the questions.

Group Process

Group process will consist of a group of applicants together who will be given questions, tasks, or activities to do. Residence Life staff will view the applicants throughout the interview.

Hiring and Acceptance to Position

After individual interviews and group process, candidates will be notified as to whether or not they have been hired. Applicants then have the opportunity to accept or deny the position by a given date.