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Tuition Exchange

Tuition Exchange is a partnership of over 600 colleges and universities offering competitive tuition exchange scholarships to faculty and staff employed at member institutions. 

While this is an additional tuition grant-in-aid opportunity for MICA families, it is important to realize that it is not a guaranteed benefit since MICA has an obligation to maintain a balance between outgoing students (exports) and incoming students (imports).

MICA's liaison office is responsible for certifying eligibility for each export applicant to his or her chosen institutions and does not guarantee acceptance at the host institution. Acceptance into the host institution does not guarantee a Tuition Exchange scholarship. The host institution grants the scholarship and each institution has its own process for scholarship selection. These scholarships are not automatic. Many institutions choose their scholarship recipients based on the academic profile of the applicant.

Full-time, benefit-eligible employees in the first semester beginning after two years of continuous full-time employment may complete an application on the Tuition Exchange website at to apply in the Fall semester.  All eligible employees will be ranked and ordered by years of service. In order to maintain a status in "good standing", MICA must monitor the import/export balance during a 5 year period. The number of eligible employees will vary to satisfy that requirement. The scholarship does not always cover full tuition*.

End of Fall Semester: Each applicant will receive verification of eligibility and be informed of their priority ranking. If the number of applicants exceeds the number of Tuition Exchange scholarships available for export, applicants will be selected on the following priority:

  • first priority will be given to applicants based on continuous full-time seniority.
  • should there be a tie among applicants with the same number of service years, actual date of hire will be used.

By mid-April of the spring semester, each MICA export applicant will be required to verify the status of his or her applications for Tuition Exchange (offered, rejected, denied) with the College's liaison office. 

Re-certification for any employee's child who is participating in the Tuition Exchange program is required each year through the College's liaison office. Students will ordinarily be able to remain in the program for four years, but continued participation depends upon yearly certification of employment eligibility and the student's satisfactory academic standing at the host institution.

Eligible employees will be limited to one student per family in a four-year period.

Termination from MICA will terminate the Tuition Exchange scholarship agreement at the host institution immediately.

Note to all: Remember getting accepted into a school is not a guarantee of a Tuition Exchange Scholarship.

* Tuition Exchange sets a minimum tuition amount should an institution not cover full tuition.  Please contact People, Belonging & Culture for this year’s plan minimum tuition amount.

For more information please visit the Tuition Exchange website: or email