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Waste Streams at MICA

How Can I Help Make an Impact?


Reducing your own consumption is the first and most substantial way to make a positive impact on the environment. The following are some simple ways to practice reducing on campus and at home:

  • Consume and throw away less - this is called "source reduction".
  • Purchase durable and long lasting goods.
  • Avoid products and packaging that may contain toxins.
  • Redesign products in favor of those that use less raw materials, last longer, or can be re-purposed.


Reused items are items that can be repaired, donated, or sold. Whenever possible, reusing is preferred to recycling because the item does not need to be reprocessed. This can also help prevent items from inadvertently ending up in the landfill. The following are some simple ideas for reusing items on campus and at home:

  • Use durable, reusable coffee mugs.
  •  Use cloth napkins or towels rather than paper.
  •  Use refillable water bottles.
  •  Reuse cardboard boxes.
  •  Re-purpose empty jars and food containers. 
  •  Use refillable pens and pencils.
  •  Participate in a paint collection and reuse program.
  •  Donate to and collect from the MICA Swap Shop!


Recycling is the final option, if an item cannot be reduced or reused. Although some materials can be recycled, the natural resources used to reprocess these items such as land, water and clean air cannot be recycled. This is why it is so important to reduce or reuse first when possible! The following are some of the efforts MICA has made to encourage and practice recycling:

  • Single-Stream Recycling bins are located across campus for all recyclable items, including glass, paper, plastic, metal, etc., for ease of recycling campus-wide.
  • MICA recycles old computers, computer parts, and other electronics. 
  • E-Cycling receptacles can be found near most building entrances, and at the Art Tech Center. 


For more information on recycling at MICA click here