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SOS can provide advocacy to faculty on behalf of students regarding flexibility around coursework and deadlines caused by extreme, short-term, extenuating circumstance that is supported by documentation or relevant campus partner (such as the Title IX Coordinator, or Campus Safety).


Examples include: a death in the family, a physical or mental health crisis or event, or being the victim of a crime.


For advocacy regarding the death of a loved one please complete the Bereavement Support Form.


SOS advocacy is a formal request for grace that verifies the legitimacy of a student’s situation while maintaining their privacy.


The decision to provide flexibility around course work is made entirely at the discretion of individual faculty. While our office can provide retroactive advocacy, a request for advocacy must be submitted to SOS within a month of the event/concern occurring and before the end of the semester.


Once SOS provides advocacy on behalf of a student, it is their responsibility to follow up with their faculty to make arrangements to complete course work.


SOS does not provide legal accommodations to support long-term disability-related concerns. If you have questions about accommodations please contact the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services.

Faculty Outreach Request Form

The purpose of this form is to provide a secure and private platform for students to submit supporting documentation to request for advocacy from the Office of Student Outreach and Support (SOS)

updated 08/2024