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We're a visual community.

We can help you capture photos and video of your work. Help us tell your story the way it was meant to be told — with images.


We work with a talented pool of photographers and frequently send them out to capture events, exhibitions, MICA community members, and happenings on campus. If you're interested in hiring a photographer through us or have an idea of something we should photograph, please get in touch! 

You're also welcome to engage your own photographer, but please contact us first to avoid a duplication of efforts. 

See past campus photos here.


We know that video is a powerful ways to tell stories—if you have a great idea for a video, we want to hear it! We hire videographers to record high-profile events. Get in touch with us if you'd like advice on recording or livestreaming your next big event.

You're welcome to hire your own videographer, but please get in touch with us for branding elements and to ensure that our messaging is aligned.  Feel free to use our video release form to share with those being filmed. 

Download our video release form


To talk about hiring a photographer or videographer, get in touch with Andrew Copeland at