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Wild & Green Art 2023
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Pitch Deck Final 2 2023
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Pitch Deck Final 5 2023

Pitch Deck Final PDF 2023

Wild & Green Art creates handmade art pieces with the purpose of reducing waste. Feeling helpless in the face of waste is not a new feeling for founder, Elizabeth Wolf Isles. In fact, her passion to breathe new life into items (that have been tossed aside or deemed unneeded) has been churning for over a decade. Giving these items a new purpose and perhaps opening up conversations about things and their place in our world is where Wolf Isles feels at home. Wild & Green Art welcomes you to this home of art reincarnation.


So what's the problem?

Originally working as a teacher in Baltimore County, she saw businesses in the area dealing with the same struggle her school faced - they couldn't recycle. Recycling pickup was not provided like trash pickup. It needed to be arranged and paid for through a private company. And even if a business was willing to find room in their budget, as her school was, private companies wouldn't come if there was just one client in the area. In the end, they ended up relying on teachers to volunteer to take recycling home every few days. She imagined what other businesses might do out of convenience - throw it all away.


Wild & Green Art works with these Baltimore County businesses to take their recyclables or other excess materials off their hands and transform them into unrecognizable, inspiring, boldly colored art pieces. When these pieces are sold, Wild & Green Art has 10 trees planted for each piece sold. Because, why shouldn't art give back to the environment? Beyond this, Wild & Green Art looks toward the future by teaching art classes that focus on these eco-focused practices and techniques.