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TheraEase 1 2021
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TheraEase 2 2021
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TheraEase 3 2021
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TheraEase 4 2021

Currently, the process of trying to find a therapist is time-consuming, extremely expensive as well as mentally and emotionally draining. When trying to find a mental health provider patients usually have to test out providers for several sessions to determine if it is a fit which is time-consuming. The cost of therapy is expensive with and without insurance which can make the process of finding a provider extremely expensive for the patient. During the initial intake phase of a therapy appointment, patients are frequently questions about their history which causes patients to relive past traumas which can be emotionally and mentally exhausting. This can cause patients to feel discouraged and even quit seeking help despite desperately needing it. What if there was something that would improve the process a patient experiences while searching for a mental health provider?

UX Design (MPS) Students