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Mission: Ensure the highest level of safe and creative fabrication research through curricular and co-curricular engagement.

Fabrication Studios facilities are valuable, complex, and diverse resources used by a large portion of the MICA community. The studio shop environments are that of a creative studio and an industrial workspace. A creative studio environment allows for all constituents to be comfortable and openly creative. This serves as an open forum for us to share ideas, theories, and constructive criticism that is imperative for the success of a studio atmosphere. An industrial workspace provides constituents with the tools and resources necessary for fabrication processes. This environment requires specific habits and procedures to ensure safety and productivity. As a successful studio community we must all participate in maintaining the integrity of these environments.


There are two types of facilities within the Fabrication Studios; campus wide-studios and departmental studios. Access to departmental studios is mostly limited to department majors or students enrolled within a departmental course. Campus-wide studios are open to all current MICA students (graduate and undergraduate) that have received relevant technical instruction through coursework. All studios have a Studio Manager that plays a key role in the success of the shop and its community. 


Campus-wide Studios

Fox Wood Shop (Fox Building, F012) 

2D Prototyping Studio (Fox building, F417)

Fred Lazarus IV Center "FLIV" Wood Shop (Lazarus Center, )

Digital Fabrication Studio “dFab” (Mt. Royal Station, first floor)

Dolphin Design Center Fabrication Lab(s) (Dolphin Design Center) 1st and 4th floor

Materials Library (Mt. Royal Station, first floor)


Departmental Studios:

Ceramics Studio (Fox building Lower level)

Printmaking Studio (15/15 Building)

Interdisciplinary Sculpture Studio (Mt. Royal Station, first floor)

Fiber Studio (Mt. Royal Station, second floor)

FYE – Fabrication Studio (81 Mosher building, lower level)

Make Cool Stuff Lab (MCS) (Leake Hall, Rm 115)

Rinehart School of School of  Sculpture Studio (Lazarus Center / 1801 lower level )