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Accommodation Appeal Procedure


A student who disagrees with the decision of ADS staff or seeks clarification of the decision may within 5 business days of the decision file a written appeal with the Director, Accessibility & Disability Services. The following steps will be taken during the course of the investigation:

  1. The Director will review the student’s written appeal as soon as practical, but generally within 5 business days, in an attempt to resolve the complaint. If the complaint is not resolved at this level, or if the complaint includes the Director of ADS, the student may file an appeal in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs within 5 business days. 
  2. The student may appeal the decision, in writing, to the Vice President of Student Affairs within 5 business days of the written reconsideration notification from the Director of ADS. The written appeal must explain in the student’s own words and in sufficient detail why the student disagrees with the decision. The Vice President of Student Affairs will review the appeal, the reconsideration decision and supporting documentation; the Vice President of Student Affairs may also meet with ADS staff and/or the student as necessary; and the Vice President of Student Affairs may obtain any additional information deemed relevant. The Vice President of Student Affairs will render a decision to the student as soon as possible but generally within 5 business days of receiving the appeal. 
  3. The decision of the Vice President of Student Affairs is final. 

Complaint and Grievances


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA/ADAAA) and MICA policies and procedures prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Students who believe they have been discriminated against because of their disability, or who have a complaint regarding disability accommodations or services, should email the Director, Accessibility & Disability Services. 


MICA is committed to ensuring that no otherwise qualified individual with a disability is excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination due to his/her/their disability. Any MICA student who believes that he/she/they has been discriminated against on the basis of disability, may file an appeal through MICA’s Director of Equity Compliance, Andrea Neal.

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