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Strategic Plan 2022–2027

MICA is one of our nation’s most influential and respected art and design colleges, and this country’s longest continuously degree granting art school. A key factor for our long-lasting success is our capacity to evolve and stay relevant. The new Strategic Plan 2022-2027 (“Plan”) seeks to differentiate MICA education by building on the College’s existing and exciting strengths and momentum to deepen and escalate partnerships in the arts, sciences, social justice, business, and more. The aim is to empower our students to have the widest range of options to succeed through an integrative education that is proudly art and design-centric but intersects fruitfully with traditional and nontraditional spheres. The Plan acknowledges that the work of artists, designers, and educators is more relevant than ever in these times when so much needs to be reimagined, reset, and built with a new and better future for all in mind. We are increasingly working across fields, adapting to technological innovations, and becoming more entrepreneurial. MICA has the people and substance to lead a corresponding evolution of creative education.

While MICA, as a non-profit, must first honor its education mission and social impact, MICA itself must be strong in order to excel in fulfilling its public purpose. Therefore, the Plan balances curricular and external-facing priorities with operational and workplace priorities that strengthen MICA’s people, systems, and culture.

We invite you to watch the two short videos below.

          • Task 1.1

            Identify professional practice skills and career readiness skills, including market analysis and other means of research

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible research cost TBD but within fiscal means

            Success Indicators: List of professional practice skills and career readiness skills

          • Task 1.2

            Conduct a curricular inventory of where these skills can be mapped in the curriculum/co-curriculum and correlate to ILO s and PLO s

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Curricular Map

          • Task 1.3

            With curricular map, determine a structured pathway to ensure that every MICA degree student builds these skills

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Formal plan to be considered by the AACF

          • Task 1.4

            Implement required and curriculum-embedded professional preparation features across programs

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible budget to enhance "professional practice" coursework and guests

            Success Indicators: Evidence that all MICA students receive professional practice content in their coursework

          • Task 2.1

            Identify STEAM skills necessary for art and design with attention to exposure/mastery continuum, including includes market analysis and other means of research.

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible research cost TBD but within fiscal means

            Success Indicators: List of STEAM skills; curricular map produced

          • Task 2.2

            Conduct a curricular inventory of where these skills can be mapped in the curriculum/co-curriculum and correlate to ILOs and PLOs

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD, likely an honorarium for syllabus development; budget for micro-credentialing

            Success Indicators: Syllabus for sample class (necessary step); skill building (how to document); document alumni outcomes/salary

          • Task 2.3

            Explore and establish a short form STEAM class to be taken for a shorter duration for a 1 or 1.5 credit

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Honorarium, or stipend to develop "durable" syllabus including any preparatory asynchronous content

            Success Indicators: Sample class syllabus, student evaluations

          • Task 3.1

            Identify creative entrepreneurship skills, including market analysis and other means of research

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible research cost TBD but within fiscal means

            Success Indicators: Curricular map produced

          • Task 3.2

            Conduct a curricular inventory of where these skills can be mapped in the curriculum/co-curriculum and correlate to ILOs and PLOs

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Curricular Map

          • Task 3.3

            Explore and test incentives to enable faculty to integrate further creative entrepreneurship projects into their curricula

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible stipends for faculty to test new projects (RCCE budget, restricted)

            Success Indicators: Detailed listing of entrepreneurship class projects integrated into curriculum

          • Task 3.4

            Conduct alumni research and profiles: compare alumni who participated in UpStart with those in same major or program who did not; compare salary and job satisfaction

            Timeframe: AY23–24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possibly mail participating alumni MICA-swag/RCCE updates

            Success Indicators: Comparative data; alumni profiles

          • Task 3.5

            Enhance internal and external marketing and web content for Creative Entrepreneurship

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possibly mail participating alumni MICA-swag/RCCE updates

            Success Indicators: Enhanced Creative Entrepreneurship page

          • Task 4.1

            Identify creative placemaking projects and related skillset

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Grant-funded Creative Placemaking budget available

            Success Indicators: Curricular map or inventory of positions

          • Task 4.2

            Conduct a curricular inventory of where these skills can be mapped in the curriculum/co-curriculum and correlate to ILOs and PLOs

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Grant-funded Creative Placemaking budget available

            Success Indicators: Curricular Map

          • Task 4.3

            Build and test modules for curriculum to explore creative placemaking and assess learning potentials

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Creative Placemaking budget can support stipends for faculty involved

            Success Indicators: Shared curricular modules

          • Task 4.4

            Develop a curriculum consisting of stackable credentials related to Creative Placemaking

            Timeframe: AY24 (Delayed was promised AY23)

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Creative Placemaking Budget can support possible funds for badging & micro-credentialing

            Success Indicators: Shared curricular modules; stackable credentials that are archived in student record

          • Task 4.5

            Launch new curricular track in Creative Placemaking

            Timeframe: AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Grant-funded Creative Placemaking budget available

            Success Indicators: Approved curricular pathway

          • Task 5.1

            Establish a task force to develop the signature MICA educational approach

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Task Force relatively budget neutral; funding for honoraria likely needed due to time commitment

            Success Indicators: Task Force Recommendations

          • Task 5.2

            Launch a new college-wide framework and support system to focus on sponsored projects, community engagement, and innovative partnerships in art and design education

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Additional funding for support staff needed pending task force recommendations

            Success Indicators: Examples of partnerships in progress; and key performance indicators (KPI) re student engagements

          • Task 5.3

            Develop corresponding course work and curricular requirements to ensure common MICA students access and contribution through this new framework, with appropriate differentiation and flow between undergraduate and graduate programs

            Timeframe: AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Additional funding for support staff needed pending task force recommendations

            Success Indicators: Sample syllabi; examples of projects; KPI could be number of students engaged in new project-based coursework; KPI also number of alumni engaged formally in project-based work

          • Task 6.1

            Create a concept proposal for a flexible online undergraduate degree in design (BDes) with flexibility in start time and pace

            Timeframe: AY23-proposal to the AACF

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Provost supporting research and development through restricted funds

            Success Indicators: Approved concept proposal

          • Task 6.2

            Develop a tuition plan for the UG online degree that is flexible and affordable

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: Approved tuition plan that offers lower cost option

          • Task 6.3

            Launch initial BDes program in Fall 2023

            Timeframe: AY24 or 25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: Approved degree program, student applications for admission

          • Task 6.4

            Prepare multiple BDes tracks for launch AY25

            Timeframe: AY25 or 26

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: Approved degree program, student applications for admission

          • Task 7.1

            Identify and select a method to deliver micro-credentialing on a student profile or transcript

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Software and data recording costs unknown

            Success Indicators: Selection of a micro-credentialing strategy and accompanying product

          • Task 7.2

            Test micro-credentialing during an annual faculty/staff/student Professional Development Day (third Friday of fall and spring term)

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget to run workshops and record micro-credentials and to provide training

            Success Indicators: Transcript or other "proof of concept" document showing badging or micro-credentialing

          • Task 7.3

            Test shorter form and/or stackable workshops for micro-credentials that may or may not correspond to credit

            Timeframe: AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget to run workshops and record micro-credentials and to provide training

            Success Indicators: "Proof of concept" document showing micro-credentialing translating to stackable credential or credit

          • Task 7.4

            Design a system to empower students to stack micro-credentials to earn credit toward a certificate or specific degree

            Timeframe: AY26

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget to run workshops and record micro-credentials and to provide training

            Success Indicators: Evidence that at least one certificate or new degree program is running that provides access to micro-credentialing to earn credit

          • Task 8.1

            Create written work flows for shared operations to ensure synergy across GS, OS, and UGS

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD; staffing and resource needs unknown; but likely budget neutral

            Success Indicators: Evidence of shared workflows

          • Task 8.2

            Develop a pilot set of projects that explore shared operations (and possibly combined program support) across our two residential programs: GS and UGS

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD; staffing and resource needs unknown; but likely budget neutral

            Success Indicators: Evidence of shared projects

          • Task 8.3

            Develop a proposal to ensure shared access for GS, OS, and UGS students to MICA fabrication education

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget for fabrication enhanced staffing for education integration; additional open shop hours

            Success Indicators: Evidence of shared access to fabrication learning

          • Task 8.4

            Develop a plan to enable full-time and part-time UGS faculty to have the opportunity to teach in GS and vice-versa, as well as the opportunity to consult with OS

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Relatively budget neutral as proposed

            Success Indicators: Evidence of shared access to fabrication learning

          • Task 8.5

            Develop a plan to expand the partnered engagement and entrepreneurship course-based opportunities to evolve a group of shared electives across GS and UGS

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Engagement and entrepreneur-ship course support especially for partnered projects (restricted funding available)

            Success Indicators: Evidence of new course proposals with modest enrollment numbers and/or a new possible requirement for such courses

          • Task 9.1

            Development of a Task Force to develop a campus wide integrated plan for student health, wellness, and work-life balance

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Announcement of & invitations to the task force

          • Task 9.2

            Develop a short-form course in soft skills and self-advocacy training for UG/GS/OS students

            Timeframe: AY24–25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible stipend for outside facilitator and workshop leader, 2-3K

            Success Indicators: Archived course plan; make part of orientations in the future

          • Task 9.3

            Bring Health Services in house (i.e., licensed service on campus) & expand service to include the provision of psychiatric care

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Substantial cost in an FTE

            Success Indicators: Hire inaugural director by December 2022; Launch Health Services summer 2023

          • Task 9.4

            Assess how best to train faculty to support students with different learning styles; develop a PD session for faculty

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Possible stipend for outside facilitator and workshop leader, 2-3K

            Success Indicators: Archived/recorded attendance for PD session

          • Task 10.1

            Audit curriculum for racial and social justice, intercultural, LGBTQ+, and global knowledge; identify strengths and weaknesses, and document gaps

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget neutral

            Success Indicators: Curricular map

          • Task 10.2

            Expand required DEIG workshops for FYE students and first year graduate students paying close attention to discourse navigating different perspectives and difficult conversations

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Possible stipend for outside facilitator and workshop leader, 2-3K

            Success Indicators: Workshops syllabi; sample toolkit with resources

          • Task 10.3

            Post-audit, design and launch a plan for faculty to rebuild individual syllabi to reflect progress in naming and highlighting more diverse content in syllabi

            Timeframe: AY23–24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget for mentorship in syllabi revision, possible stipend, and other incentives

            Success Indicators: Track number of syllabi that have been revised; encourage faculty to take on one per semester?

          • Task 10.4

            Bring diverse voices into MICA classrooms (e.g. BIPOC speaker grants), including consistent and ample opportunities for faculty

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Increase BI+POC speaker grant

            Success Indicators: Archive invited BI+POC speakers each year

          • Task 10.5

            Discuss and implement a syllabus quota/guidelines inclusion of diverse creatives

            Timeframe: AY23 (OIE discussion) with imple-men-tation AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: TBD; Archive of updated syllabi, before and after examples

          • Task 10.6

            Transition student conduct process to a restorative justice framework

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Updated policies posted by conclusion of AY24

          • Task 11.1

            Design of a benchmark setting approach and steps

            Timeframe: FY23

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Comp budget for faculty and faculty search committee training has a cost each year

            Success Indicators: Proposed approach for PC input in December 2022

          • Task 11.2

            Discussions with campus constituency groups for input

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Input from faculty, staff, and students through shared governance paths

            Success Indicators: Input from faculty, staff, and students through shared governance paths

          • Task 11.3

            Develop benchmarks and collegewide plan

            Timeframe: Summer 2023

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Proposed benchmarks and plan for PC input by mid-August 2022

          • Task 11.4

            Board review & input

            Timeframe: Fall 2023

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Presentation & review at the October 2023 Board Meeting

          • Task 11.5

            Resource development & allocation for plan implementation

            Timeframe: Starting FY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Cost of diversity faculty cohort hiring TBD

            Success Indicators: Fundraising for diversity faculty cohort hiring (Is there a deadline associated with this?)

          • Task 12.1

            Pilot mandatory annual workshop (choice-based) for all employees and leadership at the newly designated Fall Professional Development Day

            Timeframe: Pilot as example in AY23; require in AY24 then ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Stipends for outside facilitator/workshop leader - 2-3K per day or more depending on size/scale of event

            Success Indicators: Pilot on September 16, 2022 (or the 3rd Friday of the semester) with input and feedback from workshop participants

          • Task 12.2

            Establish and publish an accountability map supported by policies

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Campus climate survey outcomes that acknowledge an accountable culture and system

          • Task 13.1

            Establishment of a muti-constituency task force to update the 2015 Strategic Internationalization Plan

            Timeframe: Fall 2023 (after the avail-ability of the plan per Goal F)

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Possible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Announcement of & invitations to the task force

          • Task 13.2

            Work by Task force with the leadership of Director of International Education

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Faculty on task force may need stipend if Task Force not a committee

            Success Indicators: Update report to PC by Fall 2024

          • Task 13.3

            Implementation plan of key updated report recommendations

            Timeframe: (Per report recommended time-line)

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: To be calculated with updated report outcomes

            Success Indicators: (To be articulated in the 2024 update of this matrix)

          • Task 14.1

            Create a list of competencies required for students prior to engaging in community-engaged work; take forward to the AACF for input and endorsement

            Timeframe: AY24 (creative place-making work needs to be done in parallel)

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Possible stipend or faculty honorarium for a committee to produce competency list

            Success Indicators: List of competencies endorsed by AACF

          • Task 14.2

            Redevelop existing classes (e.g., Finding Baltimore) with the intent to build out a shorter-form required class (8 weeks) to engage students in an ethical and reciprocal approach to work with the community

            Timeframe: AY24

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Possible faculty honorarium to produce a shareable syllabus

            Success Indicators: New syllabi generated

          • Task 15.1

            Establishment of a two-year board-level task force on affordability with campus constituency leadership members

            Timeframe: By end of October 2022

            Accountable for Goal: President

            Budget: PPossible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Announcement of & invitations to the task force

          • Task 15.2

            First-year task force work

            Timeframe: November 2022 - April 2023

            Accountable for Goal: Presidentt

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: May 2023 Full Board Meeting hearing of first-year progress & recommendations

          • Task 15.3

            Second-year task force work

            Timeframe: September 2023 - April 2024

            Accountable for Goal: President

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: May 2024 Full Board Meeting hearing of first-year progress & recommendations; Board has deeper understanding of MICA's tuition structure and opportunities to innovate

          • Task 15.4

            PC-led campus-wide implementation of task force recommended & board approved actions

            Timeframe: Starting Summer 2023

            Accountable for Goal: President

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Evidence of a combination of cost control and revenue generation leading to demonstrable affordability measures

          • Task 16.1

            Engage and conduct outreach to corporate and other partners who provide opportunities for students

            Timeframe: Spring 2023 (need to check with Don)

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Possible consultancy and/or existing departmental resources

            Success Indicators: Engagement strategies for corporate and other new partners

          • Task 16.2

            Implement stronger corporate and other new sources of support through a feasibility study of such relationships

            Timeframe: Spring 2023 for feasibility study; Fall 2024 for implementation

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing budget

            Success Indicators: Increased revenue; increased professional opportunities for students; students choosing MICA because of these opportunities

          • Task 16.3

            Document and communicate out to MICA community and funders the fundraising and internship success stories

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: A robust collection of fundraising and internship success stories that is broadcast internally & externally

          • Task 17.1

            Assess MICA’s Current Enrollment State and Higher Education Landscape – Including Enrollment trends, programs and services, retention and graduation rates, pathways and pipelines, price drivers, labor market insights, and value and brand perception

            Timeframe: Fall 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Written report on the state of enrollment

          • Task 17.2

            Identify Opportunities – overlap, gaps, unique value of MICA’s internal landscape with external landscape and what students/families are seeking in higher education

            Timeframe: Fall 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget to fund/fill identified opportunities and gaps

            Success Indicators: Report on analysis of opportunities/gaps, priority setting

          • Task 17.3

            Plan implementation – Plan articulation, determination of measurable outcomes, defined phased implementation approach

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget depending on priorities identified

            Success Indicators: PC & board approval of plan; evidence of enrollment recovery for Fall 2023

          • Task 17.4

            Continual assessment recalibration of the strategic enrollment plan to ensure long term success

            Timeframe: Ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Annual Reports

          • Task 17.5

            Align recruitment marketing and messaging with defined unique value and ROI, segmented by audience (prospective students, parents, community, etc.)

            Timeframe: AY23

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Evidence of enrollment recovery for Fall 2023

          • Task 17.6

            Enhance campus visit experience for prospective students, and create "signature" visitor experiences that emphasize MICA's value and brand propositions


            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Evidence of enrollment recovery for Fall 2023

          • Task 17.7

            Establish benchmarks for each new incoming class in each academic area (OS grad students, Grad Admissions, and Undergrad Admissions)

            Timeframe: Ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: VPAF

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Annual strategic enrollment plan for senior team and academic programs

          • Task 18.1

            Transition marketing from within individual academic units to centralized within SC

            Timeframe: FY23

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing Budget + 1 FTE

            Success Indicators: Formalized marketing process and relationship between SC, Admission, and all academic units; one common marketing budget

          • Task 18.2

            Conduct an Internal marketing audit and assessment, including: assets, resources, systems, processes, data sources and marketing materials; perform gap/needs analysis


            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Internal marketing audit report

          • Task 18.3

            Establish institutional market research and audience insight capacity

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget that can be funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: Identify and engage an external market research data provider and national PR consultant/agency

          • Task 18.4

            Develop a formal structure for AA, SC, and Admission to share market research, insights, sales feedback, to inform academic program development and marketing/recruitment strategies

            Timeframe: Fall 2024

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Direct channel for AA to communicate achievements and stories for marketing strategy; overarching Institutional marketing strategy for enrollment that supports individual academic unit's messages

          • Task 18.5

            Establish an exploratory task force to begin the research for the implementation of modern, cross-departmental marketing automation and audience analysis technology platform


            Timeframe: Fall 2024

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Ideas and possibilities for cross-departmental marketing automation and audience analysis technology platform

          • Task 18.6

            Prepare to redevelop the MICA website as a primary recruiting tool to drive enrollment growth and as an effective portal for campus operational functions

            Timeframe: FY24 for needs study and project scoping; FY25 for development budgeting and planning; relaunch timing TBD

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: $50K-$100K for planning; $500K-$1M for redesign and relaunch

            Success Indicators: Campus engagement for needs study; full planning report with project scope, budgeting, and phased implementation

          • Task 19.1

            Develop MICA's overarching ROI story and accompanying marketing campaign articulating MICA's "why"

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 - Ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: A marketing platform; annual presentation of key marketing messages and "the story"

          • Task 19.2

            Perform a competitive analysis

            Timeframe: Fall 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget that can be funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: A report identifying MICA existing market position and potential areas of marketing opportunity

          • Task 19.3

            Conduct audience research and analysis of existing and potential audience segments, with a corresponding academic program review and analysis for growth opportunities

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget that can be funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: A detailed analysis of MICA audiences — their key motivators, perceptions, blockers, etc.; development of academic program informed by market research and data analysis

          • Task 20.1

            Establishment of a two-year bicentennial planning task force with campus constituency members

            Timeframe: By Fall 2024

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Possible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Announcement of & invitations to the task force

          • Task 20.2

            Preliminary budget planning & fundraising for appropriately scaled celebrations

            Timeframe: Starting 2024

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Existing budget, may need additional budget that can be funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: Budget & fundraising estimates for input from planning group

          • Task 20.3

            First-year planning group task force work, with a focus on telling the MICA story through a program of linked components

            Timeframe: September 2024 - April 2025

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources and raised funds

            Success Indicators: May 2025 Full Board Meeting hearing of first-year planning progress & recommendations

          • Task 20.4

            Second-year task force work, with a focus on project management of program planning and implementation

            Timeframe: June 2025 - January 2026

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources and raised funds

            Success Indicators: February 2026 Full Board Meeting hearing of second-year planning recommendations

          • Task 20.5

            Bicentennial celebration program informed by planning task force work and showcasing strategic plan success

            Timeframe: Starting Spring 2026

            Accountable for Goal: VPSC

            Budget: Celebration budget & raised fund per planning

            Success Indicators: Appropriately scaled celebration locally and nationally

          • Task 21.1

            Conduct a holistic academic program cost analysis using the UQ Solutions tool to contextualize and rationalize asset allocation across areas

            Timeframe: Beginning Fall 2022

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPFBS

            Budget: Possible research & tool cost funded by restricted sources, in coordination with Goal J-Initiative 25

            Success Indicators: More strategic and equitable academic program cost allocation across programs; understanding by faculty of how resources are allocated among departments; development of policies to support sustained, prudent, targeted resource management to increase cost efficiency

          • Task 21.2

            Select financial planning and cost control tools to support long-term and strategic fiscal planning

            Timeframe: Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Possible consultancy & research funded by restricted sources; tool cost to be determined & budgeted

            Success Indicators: Identification & implementation of financial planning and cost control tools

          • Task 21.3

            Establishment of and work by a task force on multi-year financial planning to achieve institutional strategic outcomes

            Timeframe: FY24

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Development of new policies and improved planning process fort a sustained and strategic fiscal trajectory, representing a shift from reactive to proactive fiscal planning

          • Task 22.1

            Complete Feasibility Study with 40-50 major donors

            Timeframe: Completed in Fall 2021

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: Feasibility study expenses not to exceed $50,000 (budgeted FY20/FY21)

            Success Indicators: PStudy completed in November 2021 with 45 major donors

          • Task 22.2

            Report analysis & discussion with trustees

            Timeframe: Completed in January & February 2021

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS


            Success Indicators: Jan 2022 Executive Committee; Feb 2022 Full Board Meeting

          • Task 22.3

            Set campaign goal and have board’s endorsement

            Timeframe: Complete in March 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Goal of $112M set at the Feb 2022 Board Meeting

          • Task 22.4

            Build staff and volunteer teams for campaign work

            Timeframe: By October 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Campaign cost built as a % of funds raised; seed capital for some costs are a part of the FY22 and FY23 budgets

            Success Indicators: Complete Advancement staffing for campaign work, and establish trustees-led Campaign Committee

          • Task 22.5

            Finalize a campaign case statement and plan based on Strategic Plan goals, MICA story, and feasibility study outcomes

            Timeframe: By December 2022

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Campaign cost built as a % of funds raised

            Success Indicators: Campaign case statement on website

          • Task 22.6

            Conduct campaign per case statement and plan

            Timeframe: Ongoing through 2027

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS

            Budget: Campaign cost built as a % of funds raised

            Success Indicators: Campaign goal reached or exceed by end of 2027

          • Task 23.1

            Identify the purpose, goals, and services for the new PB&C

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: TBD: Additional budget beyond FY23

            Success Indicators: Documented and communicated mission, vision, values and service offerings for the MICA

          • Task 23.2

            Staff Office of PB&C to fully support the administrative and academic enterprise; Identify purpose, values and services offered

            Timeframe: Fall 2021 to hire partners; TBD: will add L&D, Data Analyst & another AA support person

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: TBD: Additional budget beyond FY23

            Success Indicators: MICA community will have trust and confidence in working with PB&C staff to address recruiting, ER, OD, L&D and other organizational needs, short and long term & using data

          • Task 23.3

            Complete implementation of the Staff Compensation study and build a formal compensation program for staff, students, temps and casual employees

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 and ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Budget for Phase II has been factored in the FY23 budget; ongoing planning needed to support annual position reviews

            Success Indicators: A transparent and understandable compensation program guided by a compensation philosophy and pay strategy; all staff employees are paid competitively and within the market range for the respective grade level for their positions

          • Task 23.4

            Develop a new performance management program, leading to a pay for performance (PFP) system

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 - Fall 2025; PFP: Spring '26 or '27

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: A process that is clearly defined & is flexible to accommodate varying deadlines; a form that is easy to use, assesses institutional competencies for all, competencies by job family & documents a plan for ongoing development; will tie pay to performance

          • Task 23.5

            Build internal Learning and Development Framework & Programming

            Timeframe: Begin Fall 2022; Pilot in Spring/Summer 2023

            Accountable for Goal: P, Provost, VPPBC

            Budget: TBD; consultant(s) will be needed

            Success Indicators: Philosophy and approach to L&D at MICA; Mandatory training for all ees on Title IX & other compliance/risk mgmt issues; regular offerings for PD and career advancement.

          • Task 23.6

            Proactive Employee Engagement and Retention

            Timeframe: ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: PPBC

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: Improved employee morale and job satisfaction, more data driven decisions for employee programming and benefits

          • Task 23.7

            Develop a Labor Relations Program to support staff, PT faculty and potentially FT faculty unions

            Timeframe: Begin Fall 2022 and ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: PPBC

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: A documented philosophy and approach to Labor Relations mgmt; Productive relationship with SEIU Local 500 & the unions at MICA; Efficient and effective contract negotiations with each union - initial contracts within 1 yr & renegotiated contracts within 6 months

          • Task 24.1

            Continue the mutli-constituency SGW work that builds on the foundation of SGW 1.0 (2020-2021) and SGW 2.0 (2021-2022)

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 pending campus readi-ness

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Possible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Announcement of & invitations to SGW 3.0

          • Task 24.2

            Design & build of Staff Senate pilot

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 pending staff readi-ness

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: Launch of Staff Senate pilot in 2023; broad engagement and active participation of staff

          • Task 24.3

            Evolution of Faculty Assembly into Faculty Senate per shared governance principles

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 or Spring 2023 pending faculty readi-ness

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Possible consultancy or research funded from restricted sources

            Success Indicators: Launch of Faculty Senate pilot in 2023; broad engagement and active participation of faculty

          • Task 24.4

            Continued operation of and support for SVA as student government

            Timeframe: Ongoing

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Existing budget

            Success Indicators:

          • Task 24.5

            Evolution of President's Council to include constituent seats per shared governance principles

            Timeframe: Fall 2023 or as soon as Faculty and Staff Senate pilots are in place

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Possible stipends for constituency members

            Success Indicators: Launch of evolved President's Council

          • Task 24.6

            Board of Trustees planning of board evolution per shared governance principles

            Timeframe: Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Launch of evolved board engagement with campus constituencies

          • Task 24.7

            Implementation of shared governance system per SGW planning & board endorsement

            Timeframe: By Fall 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPPBC

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Coordinated system of shared governance among administration, faculty, staff, students, and trustees

          • Task 25.1

            Develop a proposed plan to "right size" and provide support for all AA campus units, with cost analysis to support and inform this work

            Timeframe: AY23-AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Software to assist in calculating seat costs and other comparative budgetary information

            Success Indicators: Improved resource allocation, saved costs

          • Task 25.2

            Expand support for Fabrication Studios integrated education to increase access for all students from OS, UGS, GS

            Timeframe: AY23-AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: Budget to expand staff support in some areas (in place for AY23)

            Success Indicators: Documentation of new shorter form learning opportunities in fabrication spaces

          • Task 25.3

            Develop a workflow to communicate about new and existing programs utilizing a variety of data and storytelling techniques

            Timeframe: AY24-AY25

            Accountable for Goal: Provost

            Budget: TBD

            Success Indicators: Market research and sales feedback are used to identify opportunities for targeted campaigns of existing programs or to support the development of new/modified program

          • Task 26.1

            Identify and prioritize key business processes that need standardization/improvement (with input from campus stakeholders), and prioritize them in order of strategic importance

            Timeframe: FY23

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS, VPOT

            Budget: Possible research & tool cost funded by restricted sources, in coordination with Goal H-Initiative 20

            Success Indicators: Prioritized list of key business processes that need standardization/improvement

          • Task 26.2

            Use a project management approach to build out the data management, policies and procedures around the identified business processes, including understanding and formalizing ownership of business processes

            Timeframe: FY23

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS, VPOT

            Budget: Possible research & tool cost funded by restricted sources, in coordination with Goal H-Initiative 20

            Success Indicators: Planning documents for business process standardization& improvement

          • Task 26.3

            Implement, document, and strengthen standardization and improvement of each identified business process in prioritized order with associated contributors and stakeholders

            Timeframe: Beginning Summer 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS, VPOT


            Success Indicators: Improvement of key campus business processes and accessibility of information and understanding to process users, measured by user surveys

          • Task 27.1

            Leverage engagement with UQ Solutions to build a common framework of data points and their meaning to MICA, and use this work to build a MICA data-driven model from the ground up, embedding a shared vocabulary

            Timeframe: From 2023 to 2027 with milestones TBD

            Accountable for Goal: VPFBS, VPOT

            Budget: Existing Budget

            Success Indicators: Data-informed decision-making results in more cross-campus integration, with insights to share transparently with Board and other constituencies

          • Task 30.1

            Restart planning of Campus Master Plan update by Building & Ground Committee of the Board of Trustees, with next steps and a phased timeline for moving ahead

            Timeframe: Spring or Fall 2023

            Accountable for Goal: VPOT

            Budget: Budget neutral

            Success Indicators: Building & Ground Committee recommendation-ion by end of 2023

          • Task 30.2

            Selection (or retention) of Campus Master Plan consultant

            Timeframe: Per B&GC timeline plan

            Accountable for Goal: VPOT

            Budget: Capital Budget Funding

            Success Indicators: Engagement of Campus Master Plan consultant

          • Task 30.3

            Campus process for Campus Master Plan Update, using a project management approach to identify and engage stakeholders, accountable partners

            Timeframe: Per B&GC timeline plan

            Accountable for Goal: VPOT

            Budget: Capital Budget Funding

            Success Indicators: Campus Master Plan Report

          • Task 30.4

            Set capital campaign goal for Campus Master Plan update recommendations


            Timeframe: At conclusion of Campus Master Plan update

            Accountable for Goal: VPOT

            Budget: Budget Neutral

            Success Indicators: Board review & endorsement of campaign goal (part of MICA's next fundraising campaign)



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