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Operational Mode 5 Policies

Operational Mode 5 (modified) - Policy Overview

MICA’s modified Operational Mode 5 begins the transition toward a flexible guidance model that allows for temporary adjustments based on evolving public health conditions and science-driven decision-making.

General Campus: 

MICA's Campus is open to MICA students, staff, faculty, and members of the  public.

Health and Safety: 

  • Vaccinations:  Up-to-date COVID-19 vaccinations—which MICA defines as the original primary series vaccination + 1 booster—are required for all community members. This includes staff, faculty, and all students.  Only exemptions for medical and religious beliefs are permitted.
  • Masking: Indoor/outdoor masking is optional, except when visiting the following locations, where masking is required: Accessibility and Disability Services, Counseling Center, Fitness Center, and Health Center.  MICA remains a mask supportive and mask-friendly environment. Anyone who wishes to wear a mask should feel comfortable doing so and will be fully supported by the College in their choice. 
  • Conduct: All members of the MICA community are expected to adhere to the guidelines of the Operational Mode 5 Social Agreement.
  • Asymptomatic Testing: All unvaccinated students and employees with approved medical or religious belief exemptions will begin the semester with the weekly, asymptomatic testing program in place.


  • Modality: The default instructional modality for residential programs and on-campus activities is face-to-face. Any alternate instructional modalities will be defined through the Course Modality Definitions/Expectations for face-to-face and hybrid courses and must be approved by your vice provost.
  • Capacity: In-person class gatherings permitted at full capacity. 
  • Masking: Indoor masking is optional in all indoor teaching spaces.  MICA remains a mask supportive and mask-friendly environment.  Anyone who wishes to wear a mask should feel comfortable doing so and will be fully supported by the College in their choice. 
  • Gatherings: Curricular and co-curricular in-person engagements allowed at full capacity.
  • Shops and Studios: Full access to studios, workspaces, shops, and fabrication studios is available for all students enrolled in on-site classes. Some remote production services will continue to facilitate fabrication instruction.
  • Decker Library: will be open for use by students, staff, and faculty with standard modifications to occupancy and/or scheduling to coordinate space use. The library will be continuing all new services introduced in AY21, with the exception of contactless pickup.
  • Field Trips: In-person field-based experiences, including academic field trips, are allowed. College and program policies for field-based activities are observed. Consult with your vice provost for policy details and questions.

Galleries and Exhibitions:

  • Physical exhibitions within MICA’s defined gallery spaces will be open to the MICA community as well as the general public if desired. Masking is not required but requested of all non-MICA visitors. Surgical masks will be made available to visitors upon entrance.
  • Standard occupancy limits apply to all galleries. 



  • Individual visitors are allowed on campus for College activities without the need for prior approval. 


  • There are no COVID restrictions on group gatherings. Larger events should continue to plan through the office of events.


  • Residence halls are open for normal use at normal capacity levels; designated quarantine and isolation spaces are reserved. Masks are not required within an individual’s apartment, and are optional in common spaces.  MICA’s Health Center is open at normal seasonal operations. See website for more details. 


  • Staff return to campus to support students/campus operations and to provide hybrid or face-to-face work; ongoing hybrid / remote work arrangements are possible as defined in MICA’s provisional telework policy.  

Facilities and Services: 

  • Food service available at all open campus locations with masking optional. In-person dining will be at normal density. Grab and Go options will be available as well with expanded outdoor seating at Glace Grill and outdoor seating in Cohen Plaza. 
  • MICA Store will be open for MICA students, staff, faculty, and the general public. Masking is not required but requested of all non-MICA visitors. Surgical masks will be made available to visitors upon entrance. Online purchasing with in-person pickup is available.
  • MICA Postal and Print Services open 5 days a week for MICA students, staff, faculty, and the general public.  Masking is not required but requested of all non-MICA visitors. Surgical masks will be made available to visitors upon entrance. 
  • Campus Shuttles operating normal routes and schedules for on-campus buildings and residences.  Masking is not required but requested on all MICA shuttles. 


  • All local, domestic, and international is permitted.