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Operational Mode 4 Polices

Operational Mode 4 - Vendors Social Agreement

MICA’s Social Agreement for Vendors outlines the commitments that each of us in the MICA community must make to do what we can to protect ourselves and the community’s health.

Everyone must do their part to mitigate the  spread of COVID-19, understanding that while the aim is to reduce harm, we cannot eliminate the risk  altogether. 

All vendors and contractors who will physically access the campus for Operational Mode 4 must review and sign the Social Agreement. In so doing, each individual acknowledges their agreement with and  understanding of the Social Agreement and the related Assumption of Risk statement. 

By signing the Social Agreement vendors and contractors acknowledge that we are working together to create  the safest on-campus environment possible. When unexpected events, exposure, or other factors occur, we  will support each other with a recognition of intent vs impact - that our intent is to create safe spaces, and that  sometimes the impact of our actions differ from our goals. We will be honest about our actions, exposures,  and choices to keep each other as safe as possible. 

Each of us is ultimately responsible for holding ourselves personally accountable to comply with the Social  Agreement. Gently and with care, individuals should remind fellow community members of the commitments  in this Social Agreement whenever appropriate. Individuals who repeatedly or significantly violate the terms of  this Social Agreement may no longer be allowed on campus by the College. 


I make the following commitments:


I will...

  • Provide proof of being fully vaccinated - 2 weeks after the last dose of a US-based vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson) or have received one dose; or still within the 2-week period after receiving the last dose of a US-based vaccine; verification of vaccination status should be provided either to the sponsoring department or host in advance of the campus visit. 


  • Provide proof of a negative PCR test 3-7 days prior to coming to campus; A copy of that negative test should be provided to the relevant sponsoring department or host in advance of the campus visit.


  • Agree to follow public health guidance and College policy regarding vaccinations, face coverings, physical distancing, and personal hygiene.
  • Use the #CampusClear app to self-assess my health daily and not physically attend class, access campus facilities, or attend campus functions if I feel unwell, am experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (such as fever of 100.4 or above, trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, loss of smell or taste, fatigue) or other flu-like symptoms.
  • Coordinate and schedule all site visits in advance for vendors who visit occasionally. Vendors must  inform their reporting department of time and location of visit. 
  • Read and sign this Social Agreement - as a regularly visiting contract employee - before my first time coming to  campus, and submit it to my supervisor and MICA contact. Any new contractor hires must read and sign this  contract before coming to campus. 
  • Minimize interactions with other onsite personnel.
  • Not physically access campus facilities, or attend campus functions if I feel unwell, am experiencing  COVID-19 symptoms, or have been directed to quarantine. 
  • Notify my supervisor and MICA contact immediately if I test positive for COVID-19, exhibit COVID-19  symptoms, or have been in close contact (within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes) with someone who has tested  positive. 
  • Immediately complete a COVID-19 reporting form for contact tracing, should I receive a positive COVID 19 test result. 
  • Follow the guidance of my Primary Care Physician, and/or other qualified medical professionals to  quarantine or isolate as needed should I test positive for COVID-19, exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, or have been  in close contact with someone who has tested positive. I will return to active use of campus only after I am  cleared by a medical professional. 
  • Comply with self-quarantine and isolation protocols as directed by the College or health care providers if  I am determined to be in close contact with an infected person or have a suspected or confirmed case of  COVID-19.


I will…

  • Wear an appropriate face covering, which covers the nose and mouth, at all times while indoors. Acceptable face coverings have two or more layers of washable or disposable, breathable fabric,  completely cover your nose and mouth, and fit snugly against your face. 
  • Pay close attention to personal hygiene including frequent handwashing with soap and water for 20  seconds and/or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
  • Observe all general, local, and program/department-specific guidelines for wiping down shared equipment and  resources with approved cleaning products when I am finished using or working on them.


I agree to and understand the following:

By returning to the physical campus there is a risk of contracting COVID-19, and I acknowledge and accept this  risk. I agree to comply with the expectations outlined above and in the Assumption of Risk statement. I have  reviewed and understand both the agreement and statement, and will do my part to exercise proper  judgement to promote the safety of myself and others. I understand that policies and procedures may change  based on local, state, and federal regulations and guidance. I understand my role in keeping the MICA  community safe likely means a change in lifestyle, experience, and expectations.




Assumption of Risk Statement

  1. The health, safety and welfare of every member of the community is our highest priority. 
  2. The measures we take to protect the community from COVID-19 will be informed by the most up-to date advice from federal, state and local public health officials, and other public health experts. 
  3. Having said that, no one, including MICA, can guarantee a COVID-19-free environment. It is simply not  possible to do so. For information about the nature of the virus and how it is spread, please visit:
  4. Minimizing the risk of COVID-19 infections or any other spread of disease is a shared responsibility. All  members of the community must do their part. In addition to basic hand hygiene (frequent washing and  sanitizing) and respiratory etiquette (not coughing into one’s hand or in close proximity to others), this  includes adhering to all measures that MICA deems appropriate such as wearing cloth face coverings, testing and isolating or quarantining when required. Your compliance is  necessary not only for your own safety but for the safety of others. 
  5. To be completely transparent, if you return to the physical MICA campus there is a risk you could  contract COVID-19. By coming on to campus, you indicate your acceptance of this risk.