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Operational Mode 4 Polices

Operational Mode 4 - Eating & Drinking Guidance

Under Operational Mode 4, indoor masking is required at all times except for designated eating and drinking areas. For public health and safety, we are delineating between indoor and outdoor dining and the protocols for each are defined below.


  • Is available to students, staff, faculty, and essential visitors.
  • Is permissible in any outdoor space within MICA’s physical campus.
  • Outdoor seating is available in multiple locations such as the exterior of Bunting, Station, and additional locations.
  • MICA has two tents available for MICA community use: the Cohen Plaza tent and the Lazarus West Lot tent. Physical distancing and masking are not required while eating outdoors.
    • The Cohen Plaza and Lazarus West Lot tents are for dining and unmasking breaks only and should not be used to host meetings or other planned activities. Seating is on a first come, first served basis.
    • Semi-enclosing flaps have been installed on the tents, and heating units will be functional by Wednesday, November 17. The heaters will operate between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., and are currently planned to remain operational through December 17 for Cohen Plaza and December 23 for Lazarus.


Masks must be worn upon entry to all indoor dining areas . Unmask only to eat and drink. Promptly replace your mask when finished eating. 

MICA Buildings & Office Spaces

Lower Level Brown Center

  • Indoor seating for eating and drinking breaks is available to students, staff, faculty and essential visitors outside of Falvey Hall on the lower level in Brown Center . The capacity has been increased to 50 individuals, and is on a first come, first served basis. Falvey Hall is not available for use. Tables and chairs shall remain as set up and individuals are responsible for disposing of their trash responsibly and doing their part in keeping the area usable for our community.

Bunting 207 and Bunting 360

  • These rooms have been set up to accommodate six people at a time each. In both rooms, those eating will need to be a minimum of three feet apart, and put their masks back on as soon as they’ve finished. When eating in these rooms, doors should also be left open to promote air flow.

Lazarus Center + 1801 Falls Road

  • Graduate Studies students whose program spaces are located in these buildings will be permitted to unmask briefly in their individually-assigned studios or their individually-assigned desk-workspace in order to eat or drink, and then replace their mask immediately after consuming their food and drink. This aligns with the protocol for trains and planes at this time.
    • Because there are no other indoor spaces available in Lazarus that meet the requirements for safe, accessible, indoor-dining during cold-weather months, unmasking in one’s individually-assigned workspace in order to briefly eat is a pandemic-era exception only, and applies only to Lazarus Center/1801.
  • The impacted areas include the LL, first, fourth, and fifth floors of Lazarus Center, and the studios and desks/workspaces on the ground, LL, and first floors of 1801 Falls Road.
    • Typically, per the Academic Workspace Agreement, eating or drinking in individually-assigned workspaces is prohibited in order to minimize pests and to maintain a healthy work environment; the prohibition for eating in individual workspaces will be reinstated when the weather warms and/or pandemic conditions subside.
  • MAT Project Room (L165) has been designated for graduate students in the MAT program, as MAT students have no individually-assigned workspaces. Those eating in the MAT Project Room will need to be a minimum of three feet apart, and put their masks back on as soon as they’ve finished. When eating in this room, the door should be left open to promote air flow.
    • While serving as the Designated Indoor Dining space for MAT students in the coming months, the MAT Project Room will not be available for other activities.

NOTE: There are no indoor spaces available in Lazarus + 1801 to designate for groups to dine in proximity to one another. Groups must either travel to the spaces on the Mount Royal side of the bridge and follow indoor dining protocols noted above, or dine outdoors in the Lazarus tent.


  • Offices and conference rooms can be used as designated eating and drinking areas if an individual is alone in the space. 

Designated MICA Food Service Spaces

Meyerhoff Dining Room

  • Students, staff, faculty and essential visitors. Meal plan swipes, flex, cash and credit card payment are accepted.
  • Carry-out is available with containers and cups available for pick-up at entry.
  • Self-serve is permissible at self-service stations.
  • Hand sanitizing before self-service and eating is recommended. Sanitizer will be located throughout the dining area. 
  • Self-service utensils will be rotated and cleaned every 15-20 minutes.
  • Outdoor patio dining is open and will be designated with appropriate signage.

Cafe Doris and Java Corner

  • Open to students, staff, faculty and essential visitors only.
  • In person ordering for pickup for Cafe Doris is  available. Online ordering for Cafe Doris is available via the Get app.
  • In person ordering for pickup is available for Java Corner.
  • No indoor seating is available at either location.
  • Seating is available outdoors under the Cohen Plaza tent. 

Glace Grill

  • Open to students only.
  • In person ordering and pickup available.
  • Limited indoor seating (capacity of 20) is designated and available.
  • Outdoor seating is available on the plazas at the front entrance and back patio. 

Cafe Nancy

  • Open to students, staff, faculty and essential visitors for ordering inside and for curbside pickup.
  • Tent on Lazarus West parking lot available for seating for students, faculty, staff and essential visitors.
  • Outdoor tables on plaza directly outside Nancy are available.   
  • Members of the public may order through curbside pickup but may not enter the Lazarus Center. Members of the public may sit at outdoor tables on plaza directly outside Nancy.