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Institutional Policies

Student Conduct

Students at MICA are expected to maintain high standards of personal conduct and show respect for personal and College property and for the rights of their fellow students, faculty, and staff. The need for intervention arises when individual or group conduct adversely affects the College as an educational community. Students who violate College policies, procedures, and regulations will be subject to disciplinary action. Such action is not a substitute for civil or criminal proceedings; all students, whether on or off campus, also remain subject to local, state, and federal laws. Students who violate those laws may also be subject to College disciplinary procedures.

  • All forms of dishonesty, whether by act or omission, including but not limited to cheating; plagiarism; knowingly furnishing false information to the College; and forgery, alteration, or use of College documents or instruments of identification with intent to defraud.
  • Intentional or wanton disruption or obstruction of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other College activities including public service functions or other authorized activities on College premises.
  • Disruptive behavior, including but not limited to physical assault, sexual assault, harassment, intimidation, or threats to any person on College premises or at College-sponsored functions or that adversely affects any member of the College community. This includes drug- and alcohol-related behavior as well as self-harm.
  • Theft or damage, including vandalism, to College premises or property, including College or student artwork; or theft or damage, including vandalism, to property of a member of the College community or visitors.
  • Unauthorized entry to or use of College facilities.
  • Failure to comply with directives of College officials acting in the performance or their duties.
  • Violation of rules governing residence in College-owned or -controlled property.
  • Violation of College, local, state, and federal laws related to the use or possession of alcohol and other drugs, and violations of other such laws in a way that affects the College community's pursuit of its proper educational purpose.
  • When violations of non-academic regulations are reported, the Office of Student Affairs (or designee) will review preliminary reports and determine if additional information needs to be gathered. If additional information is needed, Student Affairs will ask the Office of Campus Safety, the Office of Residence Life, or other relevant individuals to meet with the students involved in the case. After this additional information has been gathered, Student Affairs will review all of the case information. In all disciplinary cases the goal will be to complete the investigation and reach resolution within twenty (20) business days of the complaint, not inclusive of appeals where appropriate. If it is determined that this timeline cannot be met all parties directly involved, i.e. claimant and respondent, not witnesses, will be notified of the reason for the delay and provided an updated timeline.

If a finding of responsible is not likely to result in potential expulsion or suspension, and is not related to gender harassment or discrimination, the matter typically will be resolved one-on-one with a College investigator through a Disciplinary Conference. Depending upon the nature of the violation, the outcome of the conference, and the student's disciplinary history, the College may decide not to take any action or may impose one or more of the following sanctions, among others:

  • Restitution (monetary or other appropriate compensation for damages)
  • Alcohol and other drugs assessment
  • Educational projects
  • Warning
  • Disciplinary probation
  • Dismissal from housing (if student is in College-owned housing)
  • Community service

Non-expulsion or -suspension decisions made in a Disciplinary Conference are final, and appeals are not allowed.

If a responsible finding is likely to result in expulsion or suspension, and is not related to gender harassment or discrimination, the process outlined in scenario #1 above will be used; however, depending upon the nature and severity of the case multiple investigators may be assigned. Appeals are allowed whenever it is determined at the beginning that a responsible finding is likely to result in expulsion or suspension. In such cases, students directly involved are permitted to bring an advisor who can offer support. The advisor must be a member of the College community, and the College does not permit legal counsel to attend disciplinary meetings except for cases related to sexual misconduct (see MICA's Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination policy). The student involved is responsible for presenting their own information, and therefore advisors are not permitted to speak or participate directly in any disciplinary conference.

In the event of an appeal, the students directly involved will be given a five (5) business day period to review the findings and submit an appeal to the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee). After reviewing the facts of the case, the findings, and any appeal, the Vice President for Student Affairs (or designee) will issue a final decision.

Cases involving Academic Integrity will be referred to the Office of Academic Affairs, and depending upon the specifics of the situation may be resolved collaboratively between Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

Cases that involve claims of gender based harassment or discrimination, which includes cases of sexual misconduct, will be referred to the Title IX Coordinator. This process is outlined in greater depth in MICA's Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination policy. The findings of the investigators will be presented to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, or designee.

Depending upon the nature of the conduct violation, the College reserves the right to notify Human Resources should the student's ability to suitably serve in an on-campus employment capacity be called into question. In this circumstance the student's disciplinary status may be factored into decisions regarding employment.

Any student who may need an accommodation based on the potential impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS) at 410-225-2416, in Bunting 110, to establish eligibility and coordinate reasonable accommodations. For more information, please refer to ADS. The College has no obligation to provide accommodations until the student has established eligibility with ADS.

Interim Suspension

In a situations where it is determined that the continued presence of a student on the College campus poses an imminent and substantial threat of harm to the student or others, the Vice President of Student Affairs or designee may suspend a student from MICA on an interim basis pending resolution of the case. An interim suspension means that the student may not attend classes and must leave College property and remain off College property until notified otherwise. A student may not withdraw from the College during an interim suspension.

A student may request review of the interim suspension decision by contacting the Office of Student Affairs. Such reviews normally are scheduled to take place within three (3) business days of the student's request.

The purpose of the interim suspension review is to determine whether or not a student may be present on College property and/or attend classes pending the resolution of the student's case. A College administrator other than the Vice President or designee who made the original decision to interim suspend the student will review the interim suspension decision by speaking with the suspended student and reviewing all submitted paperwork such as incident reports, judicial referrals, investigative materials, and medical evaluations. If so desired, it is appropriate for the involved student to be accompanied by an advisor who can offer support. Other than in cases of alleged sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, or stalking, the advisor must be a member of the College community and not an attorney (see MICA's Equal Opportunity, Harassment, and Nondiscrimination policy). Advisors are not permitted to participate directly in the review.

The interim suspension review officer may uphold, revoke, or modify the interim suspension. The student will be notified of the interim suspension review officer's decision verbally and in writing. The interim suspension review officer's decision is final and not subject to appeal.

Parental Notification

The College generally communicates directly with students in all matters related to their attendance. In turn, it is expected that students and their parents will maintain ongoing communication. The College will not assume the role of liaison between family members.

There are occasions when it is appropriate for College officials to inform parents of particular situations involving students. As circumstances warrant, the College may notify parents if a student’s health is endangered (including instances of accidental injury) or when his or her behavior is determined to have a serious detrimental effect on the educational process, for either the student or the College community, as permitted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.