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Additional Policies

Behavior Intervention Team

The Maryland Institute College of Art has established a Behavior Intervention Team (BIT), a multi-disciplinary group, whose purpose is to support students who display disruptive or concerning behavior that might be elevated enough to immediately prevent persistence at MICA or impact a wide swath of the campus community. As needed, members of the BIT can perform a threat assessment, determine the necessary mechanisms for support and follow-up, and enact direct intervention. Anyone who is aware of a student of concern is encouraged to alert the BIT by completing the following BIT Referral Form.  

It is imperative that any member of the MICA community – faculty, staff or students – immediately report any situation that could result in harm to anyone at the College. Any member of the campus community may become aware of a troubling situation that is causing serious anxiety, stress, or fear. If such a situation appears to be imminent, including possible immediate risk of violence to self or others, it should be reported immediately to the Department of Campus Safety at 443-433-3333. 


The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) will investigate any concern and act as necessary to protect the campus community.    

When information is received about a possible threat, it will be investigated and a determination will be made using the best available information regarding the level of threat present. This determination will be made by assessing the initial concern in conjunction with any corroborating evidence, the student’s disciplinary record, and any other relevant information as deemed appropriate by the Behavior Intervention Team. The determination of the Team is intended only as an initial intervention, and should only be considered as the first part of an ongoing review. While the Team is comprised of skilled and knowledgeable staff who will make every effort to consider all angles of a situation, it should be noted that assessing a possible threat can never be 100% accurate.  As needed, the Team will ask the Vice-President of Student Affairs, or designee, to place a student on an interim suspension pending a disciplinary hearing, require psychological evaluations, or act in any other manner as allowed by College policy in order to ensure the safety of the campus community.

Behavior Intervention Team (BIT)

The Behavior Intervention Team consists of College personnel with expertise in law enforcement, threat assessment, academic affairs, and student affairs.  A core team of key campus leaders will generally comprise the Team, and a secondary support team will be available as needed to assist with the investigation and assessment of a situation. Other individuals may also be consulted such as a faculty member who has a concern about a student. The Team meets on a bi-weekly basis and as needed on an emergency basis  to review reports brought forward by faculty, staff, and students concerning disruptive, inappropriate, and/or threatening behavior.


Behavior Intervention Team Members

Core Team

  • Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  • Associate Vice President of Student Health and Wellness 
  • Associate Vice President of Campus Safety
  • Director of Residence Life and Student Conduct 
  • Director of Student Counseling
  • Associate Director of Student Counseling