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Letter Grade Percentage Range GPA
A+ 97 - 100% 4.0
A 93 - < 97% 4.0
A- 90 - < 93% 3.7
B+ 87 - < 90% 3.3
B 83 - < 87% 3.0
B- 80 - < 83% 2.7
C+ 77 - < 80% 2.3
C 73 - < 77% 2.0
C- 70 - < 73% 1.7
D+ 67 - < 70% 1.3
D 63 - < 67% 1.0
D- 60 - < 63% 0.7
F < 60% 0.0

MICA utilizes a 4-point scale for the calculation of grade point average (GPA).

Students enrolled in Pass/Fail programs (MA and MFA) who earn a (B) or better will receive a (P) on their transcript. Students who earn a (B-) or lower will receive an (F) on their transcript.

The grades listed below are not used in calculation of grade point average (GPA):

I Incomplete
P Pass
R Repeat
TR Transfer
W Withdrawal

Grades are posted electronically and may be accessed by the student through the MyMICA Student Center.

Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades (I) may be applied sparingly and in compelling circumstances where the student has not completed assigned work by the end of the semester due to illness or other extenuating circumstances beyond the ability of the student to predict or control. Assignment of an incomplete grade presumes both that the student will be able to complete the coursework in the time frame established below and that the instructor will be able to review the completed work in that time frame. The grade of Incomplete is not appropriate for students who have a poor attendance record, since it is not possible to make up missed classes. Undergraduate and Graduate Studies students who have missed an excessive number of classes for health-related reasons should contact the Office of Student Outreach and Support in Student Affairs about the possibility of medically withdrawing from the course  MPS students should contact their student success coaches about taking a Leave of Absence. The grade of Incomplete is also not appropriate for students who have simply fallen behind in submitting required work; they must meet the instructor's deadlines.

For BFA, MFA, or MA students, an Incomplete Contract, obtained through the Office of Enrollment Services, is required, and must be signed by the student, the supervising faculty member, and department chair. For MPS or MA/MBA students, contact your program director to discuss the viability of an Incomplete and initiate a contract. The student must request an incomplete from the instructor before final grades are due; if the written request is not made, the instructor will submit a final grade based on work completed to that point. For BFA, MFA, or MA students, the contract is turned into Enrollment Services at the time of grading. For MPS or MA/MBA students, the contract must be submitted before final grades are due and should be turned in to the program director as well as Director of Student Records and Relations.

Incompletes for all students except MPS must be fulfilled by the fourth week of classes of the subsequent semester, unless and extension is approved by the Registrar. If the contract is not fulfilled by the designated deadline, the grade is automatically changed to a failure (F). MPS students must fulfill their Incompletes within 30 days of the last day of the class, unless an extension is approved by the program director.  Students requesting incomplete grades should consult with their academic advisor (or, in the case of MPS and MA/MBA, their program director) and/or financial aid counselor about potential implications for their academic and financial aid standing.

Grades are permanent after one year of the semester's final grade date and may not be changed under any circumstance.