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Students are expected to attend all meetings of each class in which they are enrolled, and to comply with the standards stated in the course syllabus. Students who must miss a class session should notify the instructor to arrange to make up all missed work as soon as possible. Full participation is essential to the successful completion of coursework and enhances the quality of the educational experience. Attendance is closely monitored by instructors to ensure that students are fully engaged in the course.  Attendance records are also important to verify that federal financial aid and international visa requirements are being met. International students are required to maintain full-time status and be making progress towards completion of their degree requirements. This means that they must be attending classes. In the case of extended illness, injury, or extenuating circumstance, students should contact the Office of Student Outreach and Support in the Office of Student Affairs. International students should also contact the Office of International Education if there is a medical or academic need for a reduced credit load. 

Faculty members may fail any student who is absent for a significant portion of class time. Excessive absence is defined as missing more than 20% of class meetings. After missing 20% of a class, a student will be required to meet with their academic advisor to discuss continuing in the course. 

 Class Hours: Late arrival or early departure from a class session translates to absence. Students arriving after class begins or leaving before class ends will be marked partially absent. Two late arrivals or early departures will be marked as one absence. 

Exception for Religious Observances: Students are not penalized for absences due to religious observance. However, students may not miss a significant portion of class time, as defined in "Attendance." Students must inform the instructor at the beginning of the term of anticipated absences for religious observance. Adjustments for these absences may include make-up sessions in a different section of the class, independent projects, or both.