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MICA does not tolerate plagiarism, which is defined as claiming authorship of, or using someone else's ideas or work without proper acknowledgment. Without proper attribution, a student may not replicate another's work, paraphrase another's ideas, or appropriate images in a manner that violates the specific rules against plagiarism in the student's department. In addition, students may not submit the same work for credit in more than one course without the explicit approval from the instructors of all involved courses.

When an instructor has evidence that a student has plagiarized work submitted for course credit, the instructor is to confront the student and impose penalties that may include failing the course. In the case of a serious violation or repeated infractions from the same student, the instructor will report the infractions to the department Chairperson. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the department Chairperson may then report the student to the Office of Academic Affairs, which may choose to impose further penalties, including suspension or expulsion from the College.

Students who penalized for committing plagiarism by an instructor or department have the right to appeal the charges and penalties within three weeks of the institutional action. To appeal, the student must submit a letter of appeal to the department Chairperson of the course for which actions were taken. Three members of the relevant department, as assigned by the department Chairperson, will serve on a review panel. This panel will meet with the student and the instructor of record to review all relevant and available materials. It is up to the panel to determine whether or not to confirm the charges and penalties and will notify the instructor, Chairperson, student, and the Office of Academic Affairs of their findings including any recommendations for change in penalties. The findings of the panel are final.

Each discipline within the arts has specific and appropriate means for students to cite or acknowledge sources and the ideas and material of others used in their own work. Students are responsible for becoming familiar with such processes and to carefully follow their use in developing original work.