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Board of Trustees

Liza Sanchez P '21 (Parent Trustee)

Lisa Sanchez was elected to the Board of Trustees in 2019.

Liza has worked in the consumer goods industry for more than three decades. She has vast experience designing and developing new products across diverse global markets while living and working in North America and Asia. As a research and development director at The Procter & Gamble Company, she is passionate about understanding consumer needs and translating them into winning product innovation. She focuses on the intersection between product design and business model innovation at P&G and leverages her design thinking and lean innovation skills to accelerate the rate of learning in the Front End of Innovation.

In addition to serving on the MICA board, Liza serves on the board of the Cincinnati Boychoir, both on the executive committee and as chair of the finance committee.

Liza graduated from the University of Puerto Rico with a BS in Chemical Engineering (1989). In 2012, she graduated from the Leadership Program at Center for Executive Women, Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management.