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Technology Policies


MICA provides computer hardware, software and network services for use by faculty, administrators, staff, students and student workers, contractors, and consultants in order to accomplish the educational and business missions of the College.

Use of MICA computer hardware and software is governed by the Network Use Policy, the policies in the Employee Handbook, and this policy and is subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws as well as the rules and regulations of MICA.

  1.  Access to Computers and User Privacy 

    By using MICA computer hardware and software, members of the campus community are granting permission for authorized computer technicians working for the department of Technology Systems & Services to access this equipment and software via electronic or manual means.

    MICA respects the right to privacy of information stored on campus computers. However, there may be times when technicians will need to gain access to files stored on users' computers to accomplish maintenance or do upgrades. When there is reason to believe that a user may be violating the network use policy, MICA retains the right to access files stored on college-owned computers as well. Such access is allowed under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986.

  2.  Personal / Confidential Material 

    If a user has personal, confidential, or private material that they do not wish Technology Systems & Services (henceforth known as TSS) technicians to see while they are performing needed maintenance on the user's computer, the user may need to save this information to external media (thumb drive, external hard drive, CD/DVD) or place in a separate folder which they can create on their hard drive . Such a folder can be password protected if the user has reason to do so. Users should take caution in doing this however to make certain that they do not forget the password which will render the information inaccessible.

  3. Software Copyrights
    Computer software users must respect all copyrights. Commercial software licensed to MICA may be installed only on machines expressly covered by the licenses.

  4. Responsibilities of Hardware / Software Users

    Hardware Use
    Quality computer hardware is provided to the campus community by TSS. Although normal wear and tear is expected, TSS makes every attempt to maximize the usable life of equipment through its practices of routine maintenance. Users are also responsible for helping MICA maintain the quality of its' computer hardware equipment by taking reasonable precautions with the equipment and avoiding situations in which equipment could be damaged, lost or stolen. Examples of such situations include but are not limited to the following: opening the hardware case and removing parts, leaving the equipment exposed to weather conditions, placing plants, food, or drinks on top of computer components, risking spills and electrical damage.

    Software Use
    When computer equipment is deployed to an office, it arrives with the standard supported software and optional software on a case-by-case basis. It is important that TSS maintains a standard and predictable computing environment on all campus machines as part of supporting and maintaining MICA computer hardware. Any software that an administrative staff member wishes to use on their MICA-owned computer that is not part of the standard, supported software set must be approved by the TSS. In general, the standard software package for staff consists of the following:

    - Windows or Mac Operating system with programs that come standard with the OS
    - Microsoft Office which includes Word, Excel and Powerpoint (among others) 
    - Web browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer/Spartan, Chrome)
    - Adobe Suite (including Acrobat PDF viewer, Photoshop, etc.)

    Additionally, many offices have specific needs related to their business functions. Some of the software and applications that they might use are: 

    - Raiser's Edge
    - Image Now
    - Crystal Reports for Peoplesoft data reporting 
    - Ingeniux Content Management System for MICA web updating 

    There are many other specific programs used by staff that are related to the business needs of those offices and staff functions. If a staff member needs to use an application that is not presently on his/her computer, the user should contact the Help Desk indicating why the software is important and describing the business function it provides.

    MICA retains the right to remove any software from a user's machine that has not been approved by TSS. In circumstances where software must be loaded due to emergency or other extraordinary circumstances, TSS should be notified of the situation as soon as possible.

    Use of BitTorrent and Similar Software Programs
    A number of torrent applications are used to search for and share MP3 music, video and image files, including software such as BitTorrent. This software scans the internet for other computers using these software programs and then exchanges files automatically. The nature of this software and the way it works presents MICA with a number of problems. Sending and receiving media files consumes large amounts of the campus' limited and expensive network bandwidth.
    Many of the files in question are copyrighted material. It is illegal under Federal law (Title 17 of the US Code, and more recently the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, 105 PL 304) to distribute copyrighted material in this fashion.
    Workstations with file sharing software may function as public file servers and allow people to browse private or confidential information stored on the user's machine.
    Some of these applications are known to install "spyware" programs that periodically "phone home" information about the computer and the computer user's patterns of network use.
    Users shall refrain from installing or running BitTorrent, or other software programs with similar functions on computers owned by MICA or installed on MICA network. If a faculty or staff member has a need to use one of these software products for an academic or instructional purpose, they should inform TSS by sending an e-mail to

    File Backup
    It is a user's responsibility to upload any pertinent business files (such as important MICA pictures, documents, videos, etc.) to the appropriate location on a departmental shared drive.
    It is up to the department to decide how a shared drive should be organized. If you have questions on how your department's shared drive is organized please contact one of the supervisors within your department to find out more. 
    If your department needs help in developing a strategy for best practices in file organization for your department, please contact the Help Desk.
    Any important MICA Google Apps data (such as data stored within a MICA-associated Google Drive account, emails residing within a MICA email account, or contact addresses for a MICA email address) can be downloaded from the panel located on this page:

    Once the Google Apps data has been archived, it is up to the user and the department to ensure that it is dealt with appropriately (by either uploading the data to the departmental shared drive, or by uploading the data to a different MICA Gmail account). Please contact the Help Desk if you are unclear about how to carry out any of these procedures.

    Account Responsibility and Configuration Control 
    Windows and Macintosh computers are equipped with an administrator account that is used by TSS technicians in resolving problems. The user should not try to change the administrator account password or settings. 

    Display settings, mouse speed, desktop backgrounds and similar low level setting changes are generally not problematic. Changing network configuration, internet security settings and similar higher level settings can all have unpredictable effects and should not be attempted without the assistance of someone from TSS.

    Installing Additional Equipment
    MICA's computer equipment is deployed to an office in working order with the standard supported hardware and software (and optional hardware and software on a case-by-case basis). If additional hardware is needed for the performance of the user's job, TSS' Help Desk should be notified. Technicians and staff will work with the user to determine the appropriate hardware, purchase the hardware from one of MICA's accepted vendors, and install the hardware and software to support the devices. If user training is needed, TSS can arrange such training with the user. Users should not attempt to install additional hardware or software without the permission of TSS.

  5. Technology Equipment Acquisition and Replacement 

    Capital Budget
    MICA budgets to replace equipment as it ages. Capital equipment (over $2,000) needs to be requested through the Capital Equipment Budget Process. Vice Presidents in each departmental area are responsible for organizing and submitting capital equipment requests at the beginning of each fiscal year for departments under their management. Those requests become part of the overall capital technology budget plan and are reviewed and approved by the President and Vice Presidents as a group based on campus priorities. Once approved, capital equipment dealing with technology is generally purchased by TSS to ensure competitive pricing and consistency of brand or type.

    Operating Budget
    MICA also maintains a budget for yearly replacement of computers. Computer workstations for office use are not generally considered capital and are usually purchased out of a budget fund maintained by TSS. This fund provides sufficient budget money to replace the most heavily used computers on campus every three years. Computer users requiring upgrades should make a request to their department head or Chair. That request should be forwarded to the Vice-President for Technology who will make recommendations for replacing or upgrading the computer.

Equipment Upgrades 
When a machine owned by MICA is approved for upgrade, the equipment is replaced. When this occurs, the user is responsible for returning to TSS all of the hardware components originally deployed to them. TSS will work with the user to determine what components will be attached to the user's new equipment and what components will be returned to the inventory pool for possible reuse. Users will work with TSS technicians in backing up all data files and important information stored on their computer so that the possibility of data loss is small.

Employee's Responsibility in Preparation for an Upgrade
When TSS is preparing to upgrade or replace a user's computer, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that all of the user's data stored on the computer is organized in a manner that facilitates the transfer of that information to the new or upgraded computer. 
As part of regular computer use, and especially in light of computer upgrades, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that all MICA business information (such as relevant / pertinent files, documents, contacts) are saved on the department's shared drive. Doing so ensures that all of the important business information is easily accessible in the future.
Additionally, users must be sure to archive / organize data on the shared drive according to their department's shared drive organizational policies.
Personal music, video files, and photographs WILL NOT be moved from an old computer to a new one by TSS technicians. These files are very large and take an enormous amount of the technician's time. If users have music, movies, and personal photos that they want to move from one computer to another, it will be their responsibility to save the files off to a suitable medium BEFORE the technicians arrive and copy them back on to the new computer after the technicians have finished their work.

Equipment Inventory 
An inventory of desktop and portable computers, monitors and printers is maintained TSS. When equipment is provided to a user or returned from a user, the location and responsible individual information is updated in the inventory system. The inventory protects the assets of MICA in the case of a disaster such as fire, flood, or other incidents of loss by providing information for warranty and insurance claims. Users are responsible for reporting lost, stolen or relocated computer equipment to the Help Desk at or extension 2201. If the equipment is lost, stolen, Campus Safety must be notified and a report made. Prompt reporting of equipment movement will insure the inventory is reliable and up-to-date. MICA bar code labels applied to the equipment are not to be removed, covered, or defaced.

Employee Changes 
Departments are responsible for notifying the Help Desk when there is a permanent change in the employee(s) using a computer. This notification will result in the dispatching of a technician to work with the department to determine the disposition of the data and information stored on the computer. This might include, saving important departmental information including user's email, clearing and/or changing user accounts, cleaning the machine of unwanted information or software or reformatting the computer the machine altogether and reloading software.
TSS will consider wiping or clearing the machine to an original, freshly loaded state, if the machine is deemed out of date before re-use.

Personal Machines 
Technology Systems & Services' (TSS) technicians are hired by MICA to work on MICA's computer equipment. Users should not ask TSS Technicians to work on personal machines during college business hours.