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Technology Policies

Cell Phone Policy

Guidelines for Who Can Receive a MICA Cell Phone

  • Anyone who spends a substantial portion of their time away from their office and who needs to be contacted quickly by reason of the nature of their job at MICA. These reasons might include overseeing and supporting business critical systems such as HVAC, computer, or security systems or providing emergency services or support to individuals or groups.

  • Anyone whose job requires them to be “on-call” and needs to be available to the MICA community while at home, on the road or on the MICA campus. This might include high-level administrators, student affairs support staff, systems technicians, or other staff who might need to be contacted quickly and directly for emergency reasons.

  • Members of the Critical Incident Management Team

  • Staff who spend a substantial portion of their time traveling for MICA business (such as Admissions recruiters.)


  • Allocation of a cell phone needs to be approved by the appropriate departmental supervisor. Departmental supervisors must make the request in writing by emailing the Telecommunications Manager. 

Guidelines for How MICA Cell Phones Can Be Used

  • For official MICA Business during business hours when office phones are not available or easily accessible 
  • To send or receive text or email messages related to MICA business when other forms of communication are not available or appropriate 
  • For official MICA business during off-hours when home or office phones are not accessible
  • For emergency purposes 

Responsibilities of MICA Users

  • Users of MICA cell phones must work with the Manager of Telecommunications to ensure that they have the proper plan to adequately cover their business needs
  • Cell phone users will reimburse the College for any personal calls that cause the total of the monthly bill to exceed the allotted number of minutes or limits of plan
  • MICA will regularly examine cell phone bills to ensure that users are adhering to guidelines