Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 01 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 02 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 03 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 04 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 05 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 06 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 07 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 08 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 09 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 10 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 11 Digital
Scent Gallery is a series of illustrations of people's 12 favorite scents that related to childhood memories. + Enlarge
Scent Gallery 12 Digital

Tiffany Cui is an illustrator, book artist and printmaker from Ningbo, China. She is specialized in children’s book illustration, printmaking, patternmaking and artist books. She’s also interested in ceramics and embroidery. She wants to combine her illustrations with different mediums that can communicate with the audience better.

Illustration (BFA) Students