It is a digital book that shows the cover as its main image. The cover has medium-dark blue as its background. There's a vertical parallelogram that has a collage of various images with pink colors on the left side. Some of them are still objects, and som + Enlarge
The Story Behind Feminized Pink: How to Look Back and Step Forward 01 2021 Adobe InDesign, Adobe AfterEffect, Adobe Illustrator, Collage
It is a digital book that shows the cover as its main image. The cover has medium-dark blue as its background. There's a vertical parallelogram that has a collage of various images with pink colors on the left side. Some of them are still objects, and som + Enlarge
The Story Behind Feminized Pink: How to Look Back and Step Forward 02 2021 Adobe InDesign, Adobe AfterEffect, Adobe Illustrator, Collage
It is a digital book that shows the cover as its main image. The cover has medium-dark blue as its background. There's a vertical parallelogram that has a collage of various images with pink colors on the left side. Some of them are still objects, and som + Enlarge
The Story Behind Feminized Pink: How to Look Back and Step Forward 03 2021 Adobe InDesign, Adobe AfterEffect, Adobe Illustrator, Collage
The Story Behind Feminized Pink: How to Look Back and Step Forward 2021 Adobe InDesign, Adobe AfterEffect, Adobe Illustrator, Collage

No matter if we wanted it or not, we are surrounded by several things. We observe many, hear many, and/or feel many. This also tells us that we live in a world of concept. We do not perceive many of things as it is. Instead, based on several elements, including experiences and environments, our perspective associates many of them with a different meaning technically unrelated to the object itself. Even though those concepts in our world seem natural as the one that exists as an unquestionable fact, they get different value when we question their presence. Where do these come from? This project touches on one of the concepts that have long lasted and prevailed in our society: pink’s association to femininity.

The Story Behind Feminized Pink: How to Look Back and Step Forward is an E-Publication designed and planned to deliver the story behind pink’s feminization. As a hybrid project that brings in graphic design and humanistic, my major and minor studies, studies together, the content inside this book is my minor thesis research paper that analyzes the contexts and questions related to the feminized image of pink by reviewing past studies. Rather than ending the paper by finishing the writing of itself, this project brings in inspirational publication design methods to raise the accessibility of general audiences to the paper and bring in more people who question why pink is commonly associated with femininity.

Graphic Design (BFA) Students