Pictures capturing moments from the video game.  A whirlwind standing atop a cliff looks out over a small enclosed valley. The majority of the valley is flooded, and there are roaring flames peeking out of the trees in the forest that lays on t + Enlarge
What $200,000.00 USD & 3 Years of your life will get you at MICA 2020 Interactive Virtual Game (Video Game)
A badly rendered fire elemental stands in front of a mediocre environment + Enlarge
What $200,000.00 USD & 3 Years of your life will get you at MICA, 2 2020 Interactive Virtual Game (Video Game)
A placeholder cardboard cutout for the water elemental stands on top of a cliff overlooking the valley. + Enlarge
What $200,000.00 USD & 3 Years of your life will get you at MICA, 3 2020 Interactive Virtual Game (Video Game)

I came to MICA with hopes & dreams after working/studying my ass off for 14 years in preparation to become a great Game Designer.


I'll be leaving MICA with Honors and No hope, No dream, and no prospects.


-Thank you MICA, I will never forget what you taught me.

(Because there's nothing to remember in the first place)

Game Design (BFA) Students