My body of work explores intimate emotions through the combination of text and personal symbols, which I often obscure through layering paint or strikingly present with full clarity. By playing with the thickness and thinness of my application of medium, I create pieces that envelop the viewer into an intimate diary-like space filled with color and poetry that speaks to the sensitivities we all have.
I am creating notes to me about myself. With my poor memory, it is difficult for me to remember what I feel in a day and what is worthy of remembrance. These paintings and drawings contain fragmented sentences that help me find myself again even after retiring from my workstation. I leave myself a reminder that I had thought, I had doubted, and I had desired just a day before. The notes that I write in my work record what’s happening to me and tell me that there is something worthy of discussion, especially when I feel these thoughts are too intimate to share with others. With my paintings, I relearn about myself.