Two black and white portraits of the same woman, facing opposite directions. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, almost like watercolor painting, with a set of gridded axes imposed through the middle of each. + Enlarge
Davanti e Dietro (Front and Back) 2020 Xylene transfers on Kitikata. Each 18x28"
Two black and white portraits of the same woman, facing opposite directions. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, almost like watercolor painting, with a set of gridded axes imposed through the middle of each. + Enlarge
Davanti e Dietro (Front and Back) detail 2 2020 Xylene transfers on Kitikata.
Two black and white portraits of the same woman, facing opposite directions. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, almost like watercolor painting, with a set of gridded axes imposed through the middle of each. + Enlarge
Davanti e Dietro (Front and Back) detail 3 2020 Xylene transfers on Kitikata.
A charcoal and graphite drawing with white highlights on sap green toned paper of a skull, dimly lit at approximately three-quarters view. + Enlarge
Atticus 2021 Graphite, charcoal and white chalk on hand toned paper. 13x20"
A charcoal and graphite drawing with white highlights on sap green toned paper of a skull, dimly lit at approximately three-quarters view. + Enlarge
Atticus detail 2021 Graphite, charcoal and white chalk on hand toned paper.
A charcoal and graphite drawing with white highlights on bright red paper of a woman looking over her shoulder in profile view, with a dark atmospheric haze. + Enlarge
Devoid 2020 Graphite, charcoal and white chalk on hand toned paper. 11.5x13"
A charcoal and graphite drawing with white highlights on bright red paper of a woman looking over her shoulder in profile view, with a dark atmospheric haze. + Enlarge
Devoid, detail 2020 Graphite, charcoal and white chalk on hand toned paper.
An abstracted black and white image of a woman with a swirled distortion on the right, and a stripped distortion throughout. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, akin to watercolor painting. + Enlarge
Disfigured 2020 Xylene transfer on Kitikata. 6.5x10"
An abstracted black and white image of a woman with a swirled distortion on the right, and a stripped distortion throughout. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, akin to watercolor painting. + Enlarge
Disfigured, detail 2020 Xylene transfer on Kitikata.
A circular linoleum print of fifteen heads looking in the same circular counterclockwise direction, receding into space through layer of acrylic acetate with an eye looking through the clear center. + Enlarge
Orifice (Transitory: Iteration II) 2021 Self portrait with linoleum print mounted on acrylic acetate. 8x10"
A black linoleum print of a series of fifteen female heads in a circle looking infinitely in a counterclockwise direction. + Enlarge
Transitory, detail 2021 Linoleum print.
A black linoleum print of a series of fifteen female heads in a circle looking infinitely in a counterclockwise direction. + Enlarge
Transitory 2021 Linoleum print. Each 1.5x0.75",total 6x6"
A black and white series of three skulls seen from three different angles, with circular cuts and distortions on each. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, akin to watercolor painting + Enlarge
Thrice 2020 Xylene transfers on Kitikata. 24x12"
A black and white series of three skulls seen from three different angles, with circular cuts and distortions on each. Depicted in a textural, abstract variety across the picture plane, akin to watercolor painting + Enlarge
Thrice, detail 2020 Xylene transfers on Kitikata.

Emma G. Talpey is a mixed media artist, working predominantly in portraiture both in drawing and printmaking. Her work is built off of a fascination and fondness of the inherent organic lines of the human form, particularly that of the female. In all of her practice, there is a strong presence of contrivance, as well as attention to material and detail-- The work’s process of creation is just as important as the final product. Stemming from these bases, Talpey is attentive to the sense of dichotomy between lucidity and ambiguity found in the portrait, as observed within her work and practice. The resulting languages produce the strong mimicry, juxtaposition, motion, texture and weight that form Talpey’s works.

General Fine Arts (BFA) Students