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Community Art and Service

Community Site Leaders

Community Site Leaders (CSLs) plan, organize and facilitate art opportunities throughout Baltimore City at sites such as (but not limited to) schools, neighborhood art centers, and rehabilitation/transitional housing facilities.

CSLs participate at various levels of hourly commitments per semester and are provided space to process and reflect on their experiences outside of MICA, as well as opportunities for continued professional and personal development with the expectation that they will utilize this learning out in the community.  CSLs are recruited at the beginning of the fall semester, are trained in September, and then facilitate weekly art sessions at the site where they are placed.


In addition to on-site work, CSLs are required to attend CSL orientation, submit weekly assignments, attend Professional Development Workshops, maintain communication with CAS staff, attend midterm and final evaluations, and submit other written reflections as assigned. CSLs commit serving with a selected site partner for the duration of the semester of programming, usually two to three hours per week. CSLs may earn a small stipend in support of their dedication to service and leadership training through the Arts in Baltimore City.

CSL applications are due at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters.

Watch this space. Stay tuned for application forms and deadlines for Fall 2018 and Spring 2019.

Get in touch.

Center for Creative Citizenship


Fox Building 1300 W Mount Royal Ave Suite 100 Baltimore, MD 21217